Chapter 35

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One week later

"Mom, how was your appointment with the doctor?" I ask her while tossing my backpack in the living's corner. "Hey you," Mom greets me silently. "What's wrong?" I question her, my eyes eyebrows furrow in confusion. "The chemo isn't enough to get rid of all cancer. I need surgery and the problem is that my doctor isn't capable of doing it. I need to find someone else." Mom informs me. "Did you find someone else that can do the surgery?" I ask her hopefully. "Doc knows a talented surgeon that's a specialist in lung surgeries, but we can't afford him. The rest think I'm a lost cause because they don't dare to operate on me. The cancer is settled in a dangerous place that only a few surgeons want to operate. One of them lives here, but we can't afford the surgery, honey." Mom explains to me with a trembling voice.

"Mom, no. You need surgery!" I tell her in a high voice. "I know honey, but this is the reality. I know this is hard for you, but it's the way it is. We can't change anything about it." She tells me in a soft voice. "Take the money for school. I don't want it. I know dad and you saved money for me, but I don't want it, mom. You need the money, mom!" I squeal, agitated by her lack of strength. "Honey, it won't be enough!" Mom snapped at me, taking my hands in a firm grip. "I'll take a student job," I tell her quickly, feeling the tears streaming down my face. "No, Sofia. It will never be enough. The surgery costs a tremendous amount of money. Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, but you must accept it, eventually." She tells me, averting her eyes from me. "I'll never accept this mom." I pull my hands back and storm up the stairs, letting myself fall on my bed.

I gave in, letting my tears free themselves. This can't be real? This can't be happening? My mother will die without surgery. The chemo isn't working because of the aggressive form of cancer. Suddenly my phone beeps. I look at the screen and feel the tears coming even harder than before. I swallow hard before greeting him.

"Hey," I greet him. "Sofia, what's wrong? What did the doctor tell your mom?" Michael rambles nervously. "It's not good, Michael," I inform him with a weeping voice. "She needs surgery from an excellent surgeon because the cancer is settled in a very dangerous spot. We know a doctor that can do it, but we can't ..." I ramble out loud, but my breath hitched in my throat. I couldn't even make a full sentence. How can I tell him I have to let my mother die because we can't afford it?

"I'm so sorry to hear that baby. I will pay a visit in a few hours after I have time to talk to my mother alone. Maybe she can help." Michael explains to me, hope noticeable in his voice. "I don't know, Michael. They don't seem the type of understanding and being helpful. Especially when they know it's my mother that needs their help. But I don't have a choice, don't I?" I ask him with a cracked voice. Has it come this far, we need to beg for help. Besides, why would they help their son? They hate our relationship. I just can't understand why this is happening. Everything went so well. "I can always call the hospital, but I don't have a say in anything. My parents have an important name, I just carry it, that's all. If I could get the money that you need, I would give it to you. I'll talk to my mother, okay?" Michael explained gently. "Okay. I'll see you tonight." I end the call.

Now, I have to wait and hope. There's nothing else I can do. If I have to get on my knees to ask for their help, I would. The only thing that matters now is my mom.

POV Michael

Dad comes down the stairs with his tracksuit on. "Are you joining me for a run? Or do you need to go to your so-called girlfriend?" Dad chuckles sheepishly. "Fuck off." I turn my back to him, too angry to look at his fake face. "Michael, I warn you. You're going to respect me from now on. Enough is enough!" Dad yelled angrily. "Or what, huh! Like I fucking care what you do! It's not like I have a life!" I hissed, turning myself to face him.

"Boys, it's enough!" Mom yells from the kitchen. She saunters into the living room in her high heels. "What's wrong?" She pursed her lips playfully. Is she fucking enjoying this? A small smirk appeared on her painted lips. "Our son has a big mouth since he's dating that girl." Dad snapped agitated. "Michael, your dad is right. You've changed a lot. And you know our agreement. We don't mind if it's just a fling but hold yourself to the agreement. You're not a child anymore. I think it's time for you to grow up." Mom explained seriously.

"Are you for real now, mother?!" I hissed. "The agreement isn't now. I need to fulfill it when I'm twenty-five, so I have time." I tell her angrily. "You know what. I had hoped you two would see how happy I am now. I love Sofia!" I yell angrily, feeling my limbs tense from the anger in my core. "Michael, you know we would never agree with this relationship or whatever you call it. You will be much happier with someone else. You haven't given it a chance." Mom tells me bravely. "I don't want to give it a chance," I murmur angrily. "I can't believe this. I'm your son. Can't you even respect my feelings?"

"If you won't do as we please, we will take all of your savings away. Gone is your education. Gone is your future. You'll have nothing, Michael!" Dad snapped at me. "You can't do this! I'm your fucking son!" I yell at them. "Michael, it's all for your good. Do you think a poor life with her will make you happy?" Mom asked me seriously. "No, it's for your benefit, not mine! And yes, I would be happy. Screw you. You two are death to me from now on. If you knew me you would never do this to me!" I yell and rush out of the room.

I hear my mother calling after me, but I ignored her. Fuck, fuck, fuck! What do I have to tell Sofia? I can't help them! I can't even help myself without the money.

Mom rushes up the stairs behind me. "Michael, she doesn't deserve you!" She yells out of breath. "No, mother. That's where you are wrong. I don't deserve her!"

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