Chapter 26

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"Honey, don't forget to take your birth control before you leave." Mom informs me with a sly smile. "Mom, of course, I won't forget," I tell her, embarrassed. Luckily Cody was out with some friends and dad was downstairs. It was such an embarrassing talk a few hours ago. I found mom alone in the kitchen. She was stirring in the soup.

On my tiptoes, I had searched for dad and Cody, but they were outside. With all the courage I had, I asked her the big question. I thought she wouldn't let me spend the night with Michael, but she just swallowed, stirred in the pot, and said okay. I wanted to be honest with my parents. I could have told them I would sleep with Anne, but we were always honest with each other.

What was I happy I just asked her, but I hoped to avoid the talk that came afterward. Be safe, honey, she had said to me multiple times. Of course, I'll be safe. Now it's almost time to leave, and I'm terrified of the unknown. I've never seen a penis in actual life besides Cody's and dad's but that was years ago. And the worst-case scenario is that he has a too-large cock. I curl the last stray of hair and smooth out the folds of my dress.

I was wearing a small ribbed jumper dress with a side split in dark green. It comes just above the knee. You could see all of my curves through it. Not that I had many curves because I was too thin. The only curves I have are my bones. I brush the negative thoughts away and make a last attempt for making a beautiful line with my eyeliner. Satisfied with my look, I went downstairs. I quickly take a glass of water and swallow my pill.

"Mom, I'm ready to go," I yell in the doorway while wriggling into my white sneakers. Mom approaches me silently with a smile on her lips. "Honey, if you don't want to, you know what I mean later tonight, you can always say no okay?" She whispers silently when she's standing in front of me. "Mom," I whine. "I know, I'm sorry. Just have fun and text me in the morning, okay? That's all I ask." Mother instructed me gently. "I promise mom," I tell her with a bright smile, knowing if I walk out of this door I'll come back as a woman.

I won't be a child anymore, and my relationship with Michael will get a whole other dimension. I know this will only strengthen our commitment. With trembling legs, I close the door of my car. Michael must have heard my car because he was standing in the doorway with a devilish, ravishing smile on his face. He looks so handsome in his white dress shirt and tight jeans.

His hair was sleeked backward. When I see him now, he looks so much older than me. "You look stunning jewel." Michael offers me his hand, playfully kissing my upper hand. "I love your romantic side." I gushed playfully. "I know," Michael admits naughty. "Come in, my sweet princess. I will serve dinner in half an hour." He informs me with a boyish grin. I enter his house and look around. Nothing has changed since I came here the first time. "How long will your parents be gone?" I ask him seriously when he pulls off my coat. "I don't know, hopefully long enough." He answers me calmly. I nod and follow him to the kitchen.

I can't believe they are gone again. They were just two weeks back and now they had to leave again. "Hmm, that smells delicious." I gushed, a smile appearing on my lips. Food is a woman's best friend, and he knows it. "It is delicious, baby. Take a seat at the table, it's almost ready." He informs me with a bright smile. "Do I need to help you with something?" I ask him, friendly. "No jewel. Enjoy the view." He grins at me before making slices in something I couldn't see from where I was sitting. Obviously, I'm enjoying the view to the fullest. A handsome guy cooking in his fancy clothes, if that isn't every girl's dream.

"It's ready." He informs me with a serious expression. He sets a large plate on the table and the smell of eggs and vegetables greets me. My stomach makes a twist of enthusiasm. "What's this?" I ask him curiously. "This my sweet jewel is frittata. It's a pie made of vegetables. I created my recipe and applied eggs, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, carrots and not to forget minced meat. On top of it, I applied a little cheese. It's easy to make though." He explains to me proudly. "I'm impressed, Mister Davis." I chuckle, eyeing the delicious meal with big, hungry eyes. "That was my point." He chuckles, setting a slice of frittata on my plate. "I poured you a glass of water, but if you want something else, I'll get it for you," Michael explains to me seriously.

He did so much effort for me. I couldn't wait to tell him my surprise. I take the first bite and hold my mouth still for a few seconds. "This is amazing. The cheese and the vegetables make a perfect combination." I inform him with a bright smile. Michael smiles at me and takes my hand in his. "I'll do anything for you, jewel. Only the best for my girlfriend." He admits a little shy, busy avoiding my gaze. "What's wrong?" I ask him, a little unsure. "Nothing baby, it's just that I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I've been waiting my entire life for that missing piece. I always thought I was waiting for my parents to be proud of me, but that was never the missing piece. You were the missing piece." He tells me, his expression a little emotional. This was the first time I saw him becoming emotional about something.

He always wanted his parents' appreciation and approval, but he never received it. That must have hurt him a lot. I'm glad I can be a part of his life because he's a wonderful guy. "I don't know what to say, Michael," I tell him silently. "Enjoy your meal, you don't have to say a thing. I'm happy you're here." He tells me with a small smile. "Me too," I admit softly.

Dinner went a little tense with a lot of silent moments. I think we were both a little tense about this difficult subject. I'm glad he talked about it, though. He doesn't need to hold his worries for himself. "My stomach is going to explode. This was so good." I gushed, stroking my belly. "Are you feeling sick?" He questioned me a little worried. "No, no," I chuckle.

Together we clean up the kitchen at a high speed. It was noticeable we wanted to get some time together without doing chores. Michael takes my hand in his and leads me to the couch. "Do you remember I told you I've got a surprise for you?" I ask him with a wide smile, lowering myself on his lap. I skillfully place my arms around his neck. I gaze at him with a wide grin. "Yes, it must be something good if it makes you this boldness," Michael informs me with a sly smile.

"You'll love it," I tell him victoriously, but an uneasy feeling crawled under my skin. "Well, I hope so," I add with uncertainty. "What makes you happy will make me happy, no doubt about it." Michael chuckles. He frowns at me because I kept my mouth shut for a while. "Are you going to tell me today or next week?" He grins cheekily, starting to tickle me on my belly.

"Yeah, Michael, stop! I'll tell you if you stop!" I laugh out loud, trying to secure his hands behind his back, but failed in my attempts. "Alright, this better be good or I'm going to tickle you again." He says playfully, holding his hands in surrender.

"Michael, can I spend the night with you?" I question him shyly. "What do you mean?" He asked me with a serious tone, staring at me with gigantic eyes. "I've got permission from my parents. I'm yours all night." I tell him, feeling myself a little shaky from the adrenaline that poured through my body. This was a big deal and hopefully, he'll be glad. I don't want him to think I'm a slut or anything.

Michael's eyes me closely, a wide grin spreading his face. "This isn't a joke, right?" He questioned me with crooked eyebrows. "This is real, Michael. If you want this, I'm going to spend the night with you." I tell him with a small smile, feeling my body becoming warm.

"This is the best surprise I've ever had." Michael smiled, brushing his lips softly against mine. "I'll make sure you're going to feel welcome in my bed," Michael tells me calmly, a boyish grin spreading on his face.

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