Chapter 9

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POV Michael

I'm still fuming about Sydney's behavior. She's so fucking cold and evil sometimes. I know the girl for a few years now, but I thought at some point it was a facade. I was so stupid to think she was just insecure and finding her way through all the mess, but eventually, she was the one creating it at the end.

"So Mister Davis, can you explain what happened back there." The principal lowers himself in his seat behind his messy desk. Maybe I can take advantage of this situation and turn a punishment into something more interesting.

"I had a fight with Sydney," I inform him bluntly, not in the mood for a friendly chat. "How could that escalate in you accusing her?" He folds his arms in front of his too-fat belly. I shrug in response, grinning a little to make my point I didn't regret why I insulted her multiple times. "Mister Davis, I don't like your posture. I want peace in my school, not you shouting and smashing on the table." He tells me firmly. "If you won't talk about it, so be it. I can't force you, but I'll give you detention for today and tomorrow. Hopefully, you get the chance to think about your unacceptable behavior." He informs me in a formal tone. God, why is he so dramatic? Like I'm thinking it through because he says so. Sometimes I feel like the only adult in this school.

I nod shortly and stand up. When I walked out of his office, I was grinning from ear to ear. "That wasn't too difficult," I whisper to myself while walking to the next class that had already begun.

"What is wrong with you, man?" Tom whispers to me. "Now it's my fault?!" I hiss in annoyance. "You know she loves drama and to humiliate others, why react now? It's not like she changed in the past weeks. She's always like this!" Tom explains to me in frustration. Tom is so blind to women. "Because she's sitting at our table doesn't mean I need to tolerate everything that comes out of her mouth," I tell him firmly. "That's true, but it's Sydney. She was always selfish, and that's never going to change." Tom explains to me.

"I know, but she's aiming the girl like a target. It's sick and very childish, especially what she told me about her." I explain to him in a firm tone. "Maybe, but she was really scared of you, man. You hurt her." He tells me in a soft tone. "And she hurts others, and that must be justified then? Nobody had the guts to insult her. It makes her mad to know Sofia doesn't back down for her, and I'm glad someone did. Sydney doesn't know when she needs to shut up and back off, but that is changing. She will learn to walk in line again." I respond coldly.

Tom chuckles at my insistent tone. "Yeah, right?" He smiles, slapping his hand playfully on my back. "Luckily, it's gym time. Finally, some time to clear my head." I explain to Tom with a big smile on my face. "Me too." Tom smiles back at me.

Two hours playing rugby did its miracles. I felt great again. My anger was gone, and I was glad I could see Sofia again. "Man, this is the first time I see you smiling for staying an hour longer at school," Tom tells me while putting his shirt back on after showering. "Is it that obvious?" I chuckle. "Yeah, it is. Dude, you're not that happy because of that girl, right?" He asks me with concern. "No, why?" I ask him, suddenly feeling a little uneasy. "You almost got me, I thought it thrilled you about detention because she's in there. I've heard sexy Cynthia has detention too. I knew you would try to make a shot with her." He slams on my back a little too hard.

I swallow. Cynthia is gorgeous and just one year younger. A tall blonde with natural curls and red lips. I've to admit there was a time I wanted her between the sheets. Feeling her curls wrapped around my palm, but now I'm not sure. "You got me. I knew she had detention, so I did my best to get some alone time with her." I tell him, trying my best to sound very convincing. "That's the Michael I know." He chuckles. "Let me know how it went and see you tomorrow!" Tom shouts from the entrance of the building. I shake my head a little but stopped when Cynthia walks towards me. "Michael, I heard you were a bad boy today." She pouts her lips at the end.

"You know I'm a bad boy, Cynthia," I tell her dominantly. She eyes me curiously, gently biting her lower lip. Fuck, this girl is so hot. What was I thinking? Why didn't I pursue her in the first place? She wants me. "You should come to my place this weekend. Maybe you can explain to me more about yourself." She purrs sexy. "Maybe I will," I respond playfully. When I look up, I see Sofia standing across from us. She looks disapprovingly at me and Cynthia. That hurt, and I don't even know why. She means nothing to me. She isn't a friend or even my girlfriend, so why does it bother me so much?

The teacher calls from the doorway of her class. "Come inside, please." Cynthia sits in the first row. Sofia is the second and I position myself behind Sofia. "You know what the rules are, guys. No talking to each other and no sleeping." She informs us firmly. Then she takes a thick book out of her purse and licks her index finger to turn the pages more easily. I couldn't read the title, but probably it's a cheesy novel.

I look at the front row to see Cynthia making braids in her hair. Sofia coughs a few times, and she holds her head in her palms. Then she coughs again and again. I look at the teacher, who wasn't noticing a student's being ill. "Hey, are you okay?" I whisper. "Yes, it's just a cough, probably from becoming wet yesterday." She responds quietly. Then she coughs again. "You sure? It doesn't sound like you're fine?" I tell her firmly.

"Why do you care Davis?" She snaps at me. The old Sofia is responding again. She gently lays her head on the table, her head resting on her arms. I watch her breathing in and out, noticing she was a little shorter, out of breath. Then she coughs again. "I'm sorry, can I please get some water?" Sofia asks the teacher whose name I don't know. She was pretty new because I hadn't seen her before.

"Of course, be right back." She answers while walking out of the classroom. "I've water in my bag do you need some?" I ask her softly. "No." She answers shortly. Then she coughs again. This isn't normal. I stand up from my seat and kneel beside her table. "Don't be stubborn and listen for once." I glare at her, gesturing for her to take my bottle. "No, I'm sick." She pushes the bottle at my chest.

"I know. I won't drink from it. You need it more here." I tell her in a gentle tone. Her cheeks became more pink than usual, and it was not from my presence for sure. I lean closer to her and gently lay my hand on her forehead. "What are you doing?!" Cynthia asks me in annoyance. Someone's jealous already. "Mind your own business." I snap at her. She angrily turns herself back in her chair, so she's facing the front of the classroom again.

"You have a fever, Sofia," I explain to her with concern. "I'm fine." She murmurs. "You're not fine." I glare at her.

"Here you go." The teacher comes pacing inside the room. She had all the time in the world. Finally, I see her facial expressions change in concern. "Oh, you don't look great. How are you feeling?" She asks Sofia with concern. Then she looks at me for a second but ignored my presence for a while.

"Not good. I think I have a fever." Sofia answers her politely. She swallows a few times of her water. "You look pale, Sofia," I inform her. "Mister Davis, you can sit down again." The teacher instructs me in a firm tone. I do as she told me to, but I'm worried about Sofia.

"Maybe you should call her parents," I order the teacher in a rude tone. Why is she waiting? Does she think she will magically get better from her water? "Mister Davis, you don't need to give me orders. I'm your teacher, so show some respect, young man." She snaps at me. I glare at her with my arms folded.

"Miss, I think it's for the best you call my parents. The headache is becoming worse." Sofia's cracked voice startled me. She's very sick. Even Cynthia is watching her with concern. "Alright." She answers shortly.

After half an hour, the teacher escorts Sofia out of the classroom. Luckily, our hour of detention was also over. Sofia could barely stand on her feet, let alone walk out of the building. "Wait," I instruct them. And Sofia watches me with a glazed expression. She's in a poor condition because when I swept her off her feet into my arms she didn't even make a sound. She would never let me carry her like this.

In the distance, I see her mother's car parked beside the road. When she sees us she runs towards us. You could see the fear radiating from her face. "What's wrong, baby girl?" She asks with a trembling voice, stroking her daughter's cheek carefully. "I feel sick, Mom," Sofia answers her quickly.

Her mother looks at me in curiosity, but that's quickly replaced by fear. "I'll settle her in your car," I tell her in a gentle tone. She nods and walks beside us until I gently lower her to her seat. "When she's better, can you ask her to contact me about how she's doing?" I question her mother when I closed the door from the car. "Of course, thank you." She smiles before opening her door and driving off.

I hope she's going to be alright.

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