Chapter 2

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After half an hour, I arrive at school, feeling the cold radiate from my body. I better had chosen a bigger coat. I lock my bike and make my way to Miley, who was already waiting for me at the gate. She flashes me her biggest smile, and I didn't need to force myself for smiling. She has such a contagious smile sometimes, and she knows it.

"Are you ready for the test?" She asks me quickly while playing with her ponytail. "No. You?" I ask her with a frown. "I was born ready." She admits calmly. "What's up with your good mood this morning?" I question her with a grin, knowing there's more behind her smile. "Michael smiled at me." She admits cheerfully, looking in the direction where Michael and his friends always sit. I follow her gaze and see Michael leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, one foot leaning against the wall. He's talking with his friends, laughing about something.

"I know what you're thinking," Miley tells me, annoyed. "What?" I ask her with knitted brows. "You think it's pathetic of me drooling about him." She informs me with her eyes downcast. I sigh and loop her arm in mine. "Miley, I just don't want to see you getting hurt, that's all. Why don't you open yourself up to other boys? Boys that are really into you." I insist on a gentle tone.

"I don't want someone else." She whispers silently. "But I know it's becoming weird now." She says with a painful expression. "Yes, Miles. I'm glad you understand me. I don't want you to get your hopes up for someone like him." I add, gazing in Michael's direction.

Maybe if he wasn't popular and super hot, she could have a chance with him. But I know what boys want these days. A fake, fashionable girl that's beautiful on the outside. Like Drew, also a senior, or Sidney, my classmate. They are both popular, trying to get his attention all the time it makes me sick watching them become all slutty around him.

So I ignore them, and that works for me, but Miley isn't like me. She craves manly attention these days. I still don't get why she's so obsessed with Michael. Okay, he's a good-looking guy, tall and athletic, but there's so much more than only the outside of a person.

Suddenly the bell rings and I gave a painful pinch in Miley's arm before walking inside the building, feeling my current nerves getting back on track. Fuck, I hope I'll nail this test.

It's already lunchtime when we leave the classroom of Miss Gretchen. I hate French. For others, it's the language of love, but to me, it's all shit. "I hate it," I whisper to myself while taking my sandwiches out of my backpack. "Someone's moody." Miley grins sheepishly. "Didn't it go well?" She frowns at me. "No, like I know how to pronounce the words pistolet or fromage?!" I respond a little too harshly because others look at me.

I only glare back, not wanting to make a scene in the hallway. "You can do this, Sofia. Your writing has improved a lot since last year. You should be proud of yourself." She admits with a big smile. "God, I'm jealous." I gushed while walking into the large room where everyone eats their lunch and talks with their fellow students.

"Why?" She questions me with a playful smirk. "Because you're always optimistic," I explain to her with a wide grin. It's true, though. She's sunshine and I'm the opposite of her. Maybe that's why we have a good relationship as friends. We help each other out when it's needed.

She smiles at me before seating herself. I lower myself beside her, looking at the line of people at the drinks. "Luckily, I don't need to wait for drinks," I tell Miley while roaming in my bag to collect my water bottle and sandwiches. "You can't be kidding me, right?" I hiss. "What?" Miley answers me with her mouth full. "Mom forgot my water bottle," I inform her, planting my palm against my forehead.

"It isn't a lucky day for you, babe." She murmurs with a wicked grin. "I know, dammit, I'll be right back," I tell her before standing from my seat and marching to the line of people in front of me. I hesitate for a moment to see Michael standing in line. I place myself behind him, and he turns his head to see who just came behind him. His curious eyes watch me for a second before he turns his gaze back to the front. Weird guy.

When it's my turn, I quickly take a water bottle and pay the lunch lady before going back to my table. I've been waiting for ten minutes now, and I'm seriously starving at the moment. Without wasting a moment, I turn on my heel without a good look at where I'm going. With my bottle in my mouth, I collide against a muscular torso. I murmur a silent, "fuck." I look up to see I have spilled an extensive amount of water on Michael Davis his white shirt. It revealed a nipple of him and a small amount of his stomach.

I stand awestruck for a moment, trying to blink the image in front of me away. He ordered before me. Why was he still standing there? I curse again, a little louder now. "Fuck, I'm sorry," I admit to him, looking into his bright blue eyes. "Don't worry about it." He brushes it off like it's not a big deal he's wet before the entire school.

"No, I'm truly sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and it's my fault you're wet now." I explain to him softly, my eyes always trailing down to his broad torso. I'm so small beside him that when I look straight ahead of me I can only see his chest.

"It's fine." He assures me with a genuine smile. Now, I see him standing in front of me, just a few inches away from me. I can understand why Miley has a huge crush on him. He's very handsome.

Then I see him looking at my chest and a blush spreads my face instantly. How rude of him. I'm not the kind of girl he can play with like the others, so I collect my bearings for a second. "Why are you staring at my breasts? I think it's rude you know." I glare at him.

"Sorry, but I made you wet too" He informs me hesitantly with a small grin on his face. He has got some nerves telling me he makes me wet. What a prick! "

"You'll never make me wet, Michael Davis." I hiss through gritted teeth. I glance around to see if someone noticed what had happened. Miley stands from her seat, looking at us with gigantic eyes. Michael his table is laughing and pointing in our direction. Fuck this.

I look back at Michael, seeing him looking at me with one brow up, an amused expression on his face. "Whatever," I shrug, irritated before heading back to the table where Miley's almost jumping from excitement. "Oh my god, what happened?!" She squeals. "I bumped against him and spilled water over his shirt," I explain to her shortly, feeling a little angry about his lack of decency.

"Sofia, your shirt is wet. I can see your bra through it." She explains to me softly. I glance at my chest and panic a little. "Fuck, I'm going to change my shirt, be right back," I tell her and make my way out of the room. A room where almost everyone probably has seen the color of my bra by now.

I quickly changed my shirt and walk back to the lunch area with my white sports shirt on. While walking back to the table I could feel people eyeing me, but they quickly turned their heads when I glared at them. All of them turned their heads beside Michael. He kept gazing at me from the other side of the room, watching my every move. I quickly felt vulnerable again.

I wish this didn't affect me, but it did. I'm supposed to be invisible, but after today I know that would be hard to accomplish.

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