Chapter 20

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The next day I had an assignment with Kai, a boy from class. I never really talked with him more than was needed, so I was a little surprised when he had chosen me as his lab partner. We had to count the layers of an onion and luckily we got to use swimming goggles. The group that's the closest to the right answer is going to get an A. I think it's stupid though, but I can at least give it a shot. I eagerly want to know why Kai asked me as his partner because he's always with Carmen who was also best friends with Sydney.

Kai is very extravagant and loud sometimes. A few years ago, he had been shouting through class that he was gay. That was a shock, everyone knew that. He has some female puffs when he talks and even walks. But I'm not the type to judge him, so I could only be thankful for him and his decision to give a shit about people's judgments towards him. At first, Sydney laughed at him a lot, but I kept quiet because I didn't want any trouble. Now all of that changed. I've changed through therapy and it made me even stronger as a person. Hopefully, my self-esteem will get a boost as soon as possible because, with Michael Davis as my boyfriend, I'm going to need one asap.

I can't hide anymore with him by my side and I've to admit I don't want to anymore. So this is me trying to open up to others, even to a guy like Kai who's the opposite of me. I look at the onion and swimming goggles. We're going to look so silly that I couldn't even hide my amusement, knowing Sydney and Miley are going to make a drama about it. "Oh my god, how do I look?" Kai asked me out of the blue. I stare at him in surprise and suppress a small giggle. Of course, he has chosen the pink one. "I look ridiculous right." Kai chuckles. "Just a little. Trust me you're not going to be alone." I exclaim before picking up my goggles and putting them on

I look back at Kai and he starts laughing. "You're right. This is so funny knowing everyone will be looking equally silly." And Kai turns his gaze to Sydney and Miley who had chosen to partner up. "Equally hu, I rather stand on another level than them. I don't want to be compared with them." I tell him seriously. "You're right about that too. We're so much better than those two sluts." Kai giggles and I must be honest but the insult didn't even sting a lot. I'm getting over bitch squat sooner than I thought.

I start to peel the upper layer from the onion with a small knife. "Do we need to count the upper layer as well?" I ask Kai. "Don't know. We'll count them and hopefully, it's the right decision." Kai informed me with a big smile. "Okay, we'll switch with every two layers okay?" I question him. "Fine." Kai nods, his eyes back on Sydney and Miley. "Is something bothering you about them?" I question him hesitantly. I don't know him well, but I know when someone is upset about someone.

"Yeah, they are the problem. They only talk shit about everyone. I can't keep my emotions under control as you do." He explains to me, watching me closely. "It needs some practice, but what I can tell you is that ignoring them gives more satisfaction than giving them some sort of attention. The gossiping will stop eventually." I admit with a small smile. "I know, but next week they are going to pick another person to bully or laugh at." He admits softly. "I know, but I thought you were more the person that gives a shit about what other people think?" I ask him curiously. "I was indeed, but I've changed. Some personal shit made me more vulnerable you know." He explained to me with an unsure expression, his always-present smile faltered a little. I nod knowingly. For a teenager, life can be tough sometimes, and certainly when bad shit happens in your environment.

"God, how many layers do onions have?" Kai laughs. "I know right." I giggle. "I've to admit you're very nice. I never thought it would match between us." Kai admits with a grin. "We're on the same side, that's more than enough for me," I tell him. "Superrrr." He exclaimed a little too late, making a few classmates their heads spin in curiosity. Kai is half American, half French, and he has such a nice French accent that always loved it when I heard him talking. I think it's awesome to understand and talk about the language of love. However, I rather feel love in person with someone in particular.

After a fun day at school, I'm ready to ride home. A far I can see Michael waving at me from outside his car. My smile just widened, seeing him all manly sitting in his car. "You weren't thinking about riding home alone right?" He asks me sheepishly. "Actually yes," I answer politely. "I'm giving you a ride from now on, I hate knowing you're alone on the road if something happens to you ..." Michael tells me, his expression changing into a worried one. "Michael nothing will happen to me," I tell him softly, brushing my hand over his bare arm. Michael always rolls up his sleeves leaving an amount of skin. I love how he's all boyish but at the same time, he can be dominant and authoritative. Luckily I'm the one seeing his soft side the most.

"Come on, hop in, it's not a request," Michael tells me firmly, a sneaky grin appearing around the curve of his perfectly formed lips. He knows I can't say no to him, and he loves it. I hand him my bike and shake my head slightly with a massive grin. "Michael I don't want you to think I need you as my taxi driver. I'm capable of taking care of myself." I tell him firmly when he lowers himself into the driver's seat. "I know, but I like to take care of you. It's not like I don't trust you or anything, but the truth is I don't trust other people. You know how reckless drivers can be." Michael explains gently. He has a point though. Obviously, he's just worried about me. He's handing me a bunch of evidence each day that he cares about me, maybe loves me.

Michael drives off the parking lot, leaving school behind. He gently squeezes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "I had a great day," I admit out of the blue. "Really?" Michael eyes me with a small, curious smile. "Yes, I got to know Kai a little better. We had an assignment together and we talked a lot. He's a great guy." I tell him with a big smile. Michael looks at me with crooked eyebrows. "Okay." He answers me but kept silent afterward for some time. What's up with him all of a sudden? "So what did you talk about then?" Michael adds after a while. "About the bitch squad and stuff. We have so much in common though." I explain to him. Michael eyes me again, his expression changing dramatically. "Do you fancy him Sofia?" He asked me all of a sudden, the tone of his voice sounding much colder and distant than usual.

I gaze at him for a while. He's kidding me, right? He doesn't know Kai at all. He doesn't know he's ... Fuck. "Michael," I sigh and shake my head in disbelief. Michael stares at me in shock. "You don't have to say more. I know enough Sofia." Michael tells me coldly. "Michael listen to me for a second," I tell him a little out of breath. I don't know what happened to me, but I felt scared instantly. "Enlighten me jewel?" He exclaimed agitated, his expression dark. Jewel? That's the first time he has called me like that. "Kai is gay Michael," I explain to him calmly. His eyes soften immediately, and he pulls over a few blocks from my home. Michael leans over to me, gently taking my face in his strong hands. He brushes his thumb over my cheeks as sweet and gentle as can be. I never knew a man's hand could be so soft and so rough at the same time.

Michael leans closer and closer until his breath became mine. His soft lips touched me, devoured me, and cherish me like I was his. After a few minutes, we were both out of breath, so we part. Michael gives me one quick peck on my lips, his penetrating gaze still on me. "I'm sorry if it was too fast for you." He tells me a little unsure. Look at me Michael, I've never felt this fire before. I can feel my cheeks still flustered from the kiss. "Michael, it was perfect." I gushed. "I know." Michael smiles at me, his boyish grin appearing back.

"My jewel," Michael admits softly, stroking my cheek gently before planting his lips on mine for round two.

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