Chapter 22

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"What are you two going to do this weekend?" I ask Kai and Anne who were in a brutal discussion about which actor is the hottest, Liam Hemsworth, or Jeremy Irvine. "Hey guys, this is a never-ending discussion! They are both hot, okay!" I chuckle at their puzzled faces."Who's hot?" Michael pulls me from behind against him, leaving a small squeal out of my mouth. "You're." I gave him a small kiss, sending goosebumps all over my body.

"You guys are too cute." Kai chuckles. I look up to Michael and grin from ear to ear. He kisses my forehead softly."So what are you guys going to do this weekend?" Anne asked curiously. "Do you guys want to join us at the party this Saturday?" Michael asked them. "I'm in for a party," Kai responds with a treble voice, seeming very enthusiastic. "Me too, if it's okay?" Anne responds, delighted."Of course," I reply with a big smile.

This will be the first party with so many friends, real friends. "Alright, I'll take care of an invitation," Michael informs us. "Great!" I answer a little too loud. The only thing that bothers me is that Miley is going to be there for sure. On her Facebook page, she's always posting pictures of herself and her new friends. Most of the time she's wasted or taking pictures like she's a model. I'll try my best to avoid her and there's nothing more I can do about it. I've to live with it and I know in time she won't be able to bother me. Columbia University will be so refreshing to get a new start with new people.

Michael and I said our goodbyes to Anne and Kai. We are going to meet up with them at my place, so we can drive together in Michael's car. "Jewel, I've been thinking a lot lately and I want to tell you something," Michael responds hesitantly while climbing in his car. I heel him closely and lower myself beside him and lower myself beside him."Alright, I'm listening." I respond a little unsure. "I talked with my parents about you. They were suspecting something, and I couldn't lie anymore about us. I want everyone to know you're mine, even my parents." He admits softly. "I told my parents too," I reply quickly, but I realize the bond I have with my parents isn't in comparison with theirs. "That's brilliant jewel." Michael admits with an honest smile."What was their reaction?" He asked me in a serious tone. "Actually, very promising. They were happy for me and they would love to get to know you better." I admit proudly, looking for clues on his face. "Wow, that sounds big, but I would like that." Michael smiles at me with so much warmth.

He's excited about meeting them, so I can officially introduce him as my boyfriend. With some strength, I push myself to ask him the big question. "How did your parents react?" I ask him carefully. He looks at me with concern, and then he averted his gaze back on the road. I swallow and fidget with my sleeve. "Was it that terrible?" I ask him with my eyes downcast. I've to admit that it hurts knowing they aren't happy about our relationship."It was like I predicted not okay, but I don't see why it's going to be a problem for us. They will accept you eventually and if they don't screw them." He admits, agitated. "I don't understand why they aren't happy for you." I sigh, not trying to ask for more details. "Sofia, I don't even want to introduce you to them because I'm ashamed of them. They are disgusting, selfish people who only care about themselves and their wealth." Michael admits angrily. Seeing him this angry and frustrated hurts me.

He doesn't deserve such parents. I don't know why they will not give their approval to us, but what I can guess is that I'm too ordinary or poor to fit their standards. How can you already judge someone without even meeting someone? It's not nice to hear that you're unwanted, but I need to focus on Michael. He's the one that has to live with them, not me."What are we going to do now?" I ask him hesitantly. "Nothing, I can't bring you home when they're still here, that's the only way, for now, hopefully, they will leave as soon as possible." He informs me, squeezing gently in my hand to assure me. I nod and squeeze a little harder in his hand. "What do you want to eat my jewel, it's my treat," Michael tells me with enthusiasm. "Maybe Chinese?" I question him joyfully. "That's good for me." His tone was back to normal.

We arrive at a small restaurant in the city. Michael had asked me out for dinner, and luckily my parents agreed. Normally, I have to eat at home during the week, but only for the weekend, I can eat elsewhere. We seated ourselves at the window with a view of the streets. Dark clouds surrounded the sky to make their appearance noticed. Rain will be his ally for the evening. "What do you want to eat?" Michael questioned me with the menu in his hand. "I don't know what to choose, you?" I ask him, eyeing him closely. "What I want isn't available here." He tells me seductively, gazing at me with amusement. "Michael, you already have me." I giggle before looking back at the menu.

After a delicious meal with too much food and a too-full stomach, we head back to the car. In the parking lot, Michael entwines his fingers with mine and sings. The melody of Marry Me by Jason Derulo was hearable for everyone that was near the parking lot. "Michael you're crazy!" I squeal in laughter. "It's your fault. You've made me like this." Michael answers me with a massive grin. He quickly passes me, opening the door for me. "Please enter my noble carriage, princess." He gestures with his free hand towards me, slightly bowing his head. "Thank you, my prince." I giggle softly. Michael leans towards me, giving me a sweet kiss before entering the driver's side. He starts the car and turns up the heat at full speed. It became chilly in the evenings, so I was thinking about what I'll wear this Saturday night.

"You know I wasn't kidding Sofia." Michael suddenly admits softly. I frown and curiously look at him. "Marrying you, I mean. I always thought marriage couldn't be true or real. How can people stay together forever, I think I've to change that negative opinion. You changed that jewel." He explains to me, his thumb making small, soothing circles on my thigh. "Michael, if you ask me that question in a few years, I'll say yes. It's a promise." I tell him without giving it a better thought. I don't need to think because I know my heart belongs to him. It's just a matter of time before he'll ask me.

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