Chapter 11

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"Sofia I'm going to go buy some groceries. Do you want something in particular? I thought to make something easy tonight. Maybe some hot dogs?" Mom shouts from beneath the stairs.

I crawl out of bed, too tired to shout back. "That's fine Mom," I replied to her with my bedroom door wide open. "Good, be back in an hour." She replies with a small smile. I nod and try to turn, but something pulled my attention all of a sudden. I look at Cody's bedroom door and hesitate for a second to get a glimpse through the small opening from his door. I heard him speaking with someone on the phone.

I take a small step towards it and just when I was almost at his door, it swings open almost hitting my nose. "What were you doing?" Cody snarled at me, his phone in his hand. That boy is addicted to it.

"Nothing I was on my way to the bathroom and I lost my balance for a moment and wanted to steady myself against your door. Is that a crime or something?" I ask him with annoyance.

"Good idea because you smell," Cody answers with a wicked smile on his face. "Thanks for the compliment!" I yell while slamming my bedroom door shut. He's so annoying sometimes. I search for comfortable clothes in my closet. I pick my light blue jogging suit and some underwear and a bra.

I sigh in the shower, seeing the hair on my legs. Fuck, I almost look like a man. Luckily nobody has noticed my lack of hygiene the past few days. I got a good excuse. I was too sick to care about that, but now I'm feeling gross. Quickly, I shaved my legs so as not to forget my intimate part and my armpits. I almost felt reborn when I dressed in some fresh clothes and not pj's.

"Hey sis, there's someone here for you." I can hear Cody yelling behind the door. I quickly turn off my hairdryer. "Be there in a minute," I answer him quickly. It's probably Miley who comes to beg me to join her tonight. I wished she called before showing up at my door. I hate to disappoint her, but I'm not going tonight. I make a messy bun and pull on my socks before going down to disappoint someone I love.

I hear Cody talking with someone, a male voice. I frown and peek behind the wall, still standing on the stairs. I fall back on my bum when I saw him standing there. This can't be happening. I think I still have a fever or something because this can't be. Dazed, I plant my palm on my forehead but lower my hand in disappointment. He's here. He's here and I don't know why.

I look down at my clothing and sigh. He's going to be shocked, looking at a girl in a lazy jogging suit. So be it, I'm not going to change a thing about my presence. I'm not going to change myself for anyone, not even a handsome guy like him.

I swallow one last time, take my bearings, and enter the ground floor. Our eyes lock immediately. "I'm in my room if you'll need me," Cody informs me with a wink. I wait until he's out of view until I turn back to face him. He was standing in front of the door with his hand in his pockets. He wears dark blue jeans, white sneakers and a black sweater with the words don't talk to me. That would be easy for me because I'm not in the mood for a nice chat with him. I need to stay away from him and his too-friendly and sexy charms.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him silently with my arms folded. I didn't want to be heard by my brother who will tell everything to Mom. Fuck, Mom. She will be here very soon. "I wanted to see with my own eyes how you've been. I thought it was very rude you were ignoring my messages so you didn't leave me no choice but to stop by." He tells me calmly with a small grin on his face. Sneaky bastard, he's enjoying this. "I told you I was fine," I reply shortly. I look at him and I see his disapproving expression. Now I'm frustrated by his frustration towards me.

"So you see me now. I'm fine as you can see. Was there something else?" I question him with a hard demeanor. I need to do this, but my heart hurts. I can see he cares about me, not as girlfriend material, but as a friend and I don't ever treat my friends like that. He helped me so well with my bike, and then he carried me into the car. Nobody asked for it, but he just did it because he wanted to.

Suddenly the door swings open, almost bumping against Michael's back. Mom's expression changed from a sad one to a kid that got a new toy. "Oh, I didn't hurt you right?" She asked Michael out of breath. "No, Miss Santos. I'm sorry I was standing behind the door." He replies in a friendly tone. "Please call me Ginny, and you are Michael, right? We met when you helped my daughter." She smiles brightly. Mother is drooling about him, I could tell by her too friendly high voice.

"Yes, I hope I don't intrude. I just wanted to see Sofia because there was something with my phone and I couldn't see Sofia's texts." He informs her. What a liar. I just ignored him because he asked me too many questions. "Wow, how nice of you." Mom gushes while looking at me with a big smile. "So I'm going to go now," Michael says a little awkwardly. "Oh, Michael, the least I can do is invite you over for dinner. It's not restaurant-worthy, but do you like hot dogs?" She questioned him politely. What the heck mother? You asked him while ignoring my presence. Do I have a say in this one? "Michael I thought you would be joining that party at your friend's place. Don't you need to help him?" I explain quickly. He looks at me for a second, not revealing any emotion whatsoever.

"I, uh, no I'm not going tonight. Tom can take care of his party by himself. Thanks, Miss Santos, but I don't know your daughter that long, and I don't want to intrude." He answers a little unsure. He knows I don't want him here. I made sure by my response, but I know mother won't back off, now that she knows he doesn't have plans. "Nonsense Michael, it would be a pleasure. If your parents are okay with it?" She asks hopefully.

"My parents are in Sweden. They have a company there, so I'm alone at home." He explains to us. I knew his parents were rich, but the thought of leaving your son alone at home gave me a strange feeling. I felt sorry for him all of a sudden. I can see he's sincere about this. "Besides, Cody will be hanging out with his friends as usual and me and my husband have our regular Saturday night date, so we won't be bothering you guys." She informs him. Fuck, I forgot about their date night. Now, I'm going to be alone with him.

He looks at me for a few seconds before answering my mother's request. I'm so nervous right now. "Alright then, I'll stay for dinner, but I won't stay long." He explains to her with a small smile.

Fuck, this is for real.

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