Chapter 3

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I was so relieved to hear the bell ringing. The school was finally out. This day couldn't get any worse. "Yes, I got an A," Miley informs me with a proud attitude. I wink at her and give her an earnest smile. "Sofia, can I speak with you for a moment?" Miss Gretchen calls at me behind her desk. I swallow and wave Miley goodbye before walking to her desk.

Before I almost was at her desk, Sydney flashes me a fake smile and I just pass her without giving her any attention. I arrived at my teacher's desk and awaits her response. "Sofia, I'm surprised." She tells me with her eyes downcast, looking into my test. "Okay?" I respond silently, not knowing what to think about her reaction. "Your results are promising." She finally looks up at me, and I feel a small smile creeping up.

"Good job, but don't think it will get easier now. You need to keep studying alright?" She warns me, her old, grumpy expression changing into a nicer, warm person. She wanted me to succeed, I could tell by looking at her soft eyes. She was genuine, and I can't deny it gave me a clearer and better view of the future. She holds my test in her hand and gives it to me with a small smile. I nod and add a thank you before walking out of the class with a big smile plastered on my face.

Yes, I did it! I quickly text Miley the good news. "I got a fucking B, fuck yes," I whisper to myself. I couldn't contain my happiness, so I called Mom to tell her the news before making my ride home. It's me and my bike, half an hour emptying my thoughts for a moment. God, I'm so happy I got a B.

Mom and Dad came home an hour later than me and Cody. "Mom, what are we going to eat?" Cody shouts from the living room, Dad sitting beside him on the couch. "Your sister can choose today." Mom informs me with a big smile on her face. "Me? Why?" I ask her with a frown. "Because all of your hard work paid off today. The Santos family are fighters, baby girl. I knew you would succeed." She gave me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks, Mom, alright if I can choose I'm going to pick pizza?" I ask her with a promising smile. "Sweet!" I hear Cody his approval. "Honey, you can pick one for me, surprise me." Dad also shouts. Mom and I look at each other for a moment, a burst of small laughter escaping us. "Men," She shakes her head while taking the phone to order pizza online. I smile for a moment at her. Mom is great. There's no doubt she's the most important person in my life. She's always so supportive of me and Cody. She's my superwoman for sure.

While we were eating our pizzas, a comfortable silence stretches into the kitchen. The humming sound of approval was the only thing you could hear. I look at Cody, who was busy texting at the table for the fifth time now. Mom follows my gaze and sighs. "Cody, can you put your phone down on the table? You know I don't want to see a single phone when we're eating." She explains firmly. "Mom, come on, I'm thirteen." Cody whines. He can be so exhausting sometimes. "Do what your mother ordered you, Cody." Dad hisses. "I'm almost finished, Dad," Cody explains while violently typing on his screen. "Have some respect, Cody." I hiss. I can't stand him being so disrespectful. "Says the perfect daughter who spilled her drinks on a guy." He murmurs. "So shut up for once." He adds in a whisper, just loud enough so I could only hear him. "What's your problem, man? Have some decency prick." I shout angrily at him.

Suddenly Dad plants his hand with a loud bang on the table. "It's enough for both of you. Cody, give me your phone now. If you ever talk like that to your sister, your mother, or me I'll give you house arrest for the entire weekend. Is that clear?" Dad lowers his voice at the end. "Yeah, I hear you, got it." He shrugs. He slides his phone to the middle of the table with arrogance. Dad and Mom shake their heads in disbelief before continuing to eat. I glance at Cody one last time, and he meets my gaze, glaring at me. That will be fun in the morning without Mom and Dad to contain the peace.

I swallow the last piece of my pizza, feeling like a pregnant woman. "Thanks, Mom and Dad for the little surprise. I enjoyed my meal." I thank them with a small smile. "You deserved it, kiddo," Dad answers with a proud smile. "You worked so hard, baby girl, it was our pleasure." Mom adds while sauntering to me. She always calls me baby girl, even if I'm no longer a baby, but I stopped nagging about it. It was pointless because she kept calling me like that. Mom hugs me one last time before I make my way upstairs to finish my homework. It's math, so no big deal about that.

After I finished my homework, I showered myself quickly. I'm so exhausted after today. It was a mix of nerves and happiness. I hope tomorrow will be a normal day without Michael Davis or my brother's mood swings. I've had enough drama for one day.

The next day went by pretty smoothly. Cody had been ignoring me all morning and Miss Gretchen's posture has changed a little towards me. She even let me read a small part in French in front of the class. My pronunciation became better and better, even Sydney sent me a hateful glare that she didn't get the chance to speak in front of the class. I loved it. It was a win-win situation. I could learn more about the language of love, and I annoyed Sydney at the same time. It felt perfectly normal to me.

"You rocked it in class, babe. You're truly getting better at French." Miley elbows me in a playful tone. "I know, and it felt so good standing in front of the class." I smiled proudly. "I thought you would be nervous, but you just killed it smoothly. You surprised me today!" Miley hugs me, brushing a little too rough on my back. Luckily, I got my coat on.

I've also ignored Michael Davis today. Not wanting a confrontation with him at lunch. I was happy Miley didn't spot him looking once in a while in our direction. Maybe he finally sees her. No, he's not good enough for her. She deserves someone better.

"You haven't forgotten tomorrow, right?" Miley asks me with a frown. "I forgot to ask my parents yesterday, but I guess it won't be a problem," I explain to her. "Great, I'll pick you up in my dad's car at eight." She orders me. "Have a good night, Soof!" She shouts from outside the large green gate. "Bye!" I shout before taking my bike and heading home.

Miley lives a few houses away from school that's why she can walk. I need to ride for half an hour until I'm home. Arriving home, I park my bike in the garage. I unlock the door and make my way to the fridge, feeling a little hungry. I grab an apple and go upstairs.

I sit in front of my closet, cupping my face because the weight of it doubled seeing my boring clothing. What do I need to wear to a party? I quickly search for clues on the internet and my mouth falls open multiple times. I'm not putting myself in such a tiny dress. It's so slutty you can almost see their vaginas if they would bend a little.

"Why did I accept to go without a struggle? I'm so going to regret this." I murmur and shake my head in disbelief.

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