|On My Way|

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__________Alaska was dreading going to school the next day,she would have to face the wrath of her fellow glee club members

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__________Alaska was dreading going to school the next day,she would have to face the wrath of her fellow glee club members.

She just did not understand.

If she could forgive Sebastian,why could they not?
He did not mean to blind Blaine,it was a plain and simple accident.

Pushing the hair out of the way of her face,she sighed as she walked up to her locker,grabbing her maths book,before looking at her self in the mirror.

Wiping her finger under her eyes,removing the excess mascara that had fallen there,she let out a squeal seeing Blaine standing behind her.

Letting out a sigh,the Latina slowly turned around,coming face to face with someone who would most likely not want to be her friend.

"Alaska,hey"He says,a small smile on his face.


"I just wanted to say that I am not mad at you,If you really like Sebastian then I'm happy for you,he'll Ally your my best friend,If your happy I'm happy,I'm not one to hold grudges"He explains to her,a small smile gracing her lips,unshed tears making her eyes glisten.

"Thank you"she whispers,being pulled into a hug by Blaine.

Hearing the school bell ring,she shut her locker door,tightening her strap of her backpack and walking to maths class with Blaine,there pinkies linked.

Just like old times.


Walking into the choir room,her anxiety hitting the roof,she was lucky enough to get there before the big crowd did,taking a seat In the corner,Blaine sitting on the seat in front of her,turning around abs placing a supportive hand on her leg,smiling slightly.

"It's gonna be okay"he whispers,rolling her eyes playfully.

A few of them walk into the choir room,there looks turning to glares as they see Alaska.

"What are you doing here?"Quinn asks her,scoffing.

"As far as I remember I am part of this glee club"She states,Rachel and Kurt walking in,Kurt not even glancing in Alaska's direction.

All of a sudden shouting was heard,making everyone turn to look at Finn,anger leaking from his body,venom.

"That's it,I'm done,I'm leaving this classroom and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kids ass!"Finn yells,standing up out of his seat making his way towards the door.

"Finn,chill"Me Schue tells him,noticing the student almost walking out of the classroom.

"No,I'm not going to chill."Finn tells him

"I-I'm don't chilling."

"The official show choir rule book states that'any real or perceived threat of violence,vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice." Arties says,Mike rolling him into the middle of the conversation.

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