|The New Rachel|

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_________Alaska's alarm blared in her eared,a groan escaping her lips as she buried her head further into the white pillows,the duvet pulled over her head

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_________Alaska's alarm blared in her eared,a groan escaping her lips as she buried her head further into the white pillows,the duvet pulled over her head.

She closed her eyes,sleep slowly coming over to her,she let a small sigh of content leave her lips as she relaxed,that was until her father came into the room,a coffee cup in hand.

"Baby time to get up"he cooed,gently shaking his teenage daughters shoulder.

"Five more minutes"Alaska whispered,peering her head over the fluffy duvet.

"You have school"He explained,Alaska letting out a huff as she sat up,her body propped on her elbows.

"Okay,let me take a quick shower and then I'll be down"She assured her father who placed a kiss on her forehead,pointing to the coffee cup that was placed on her night stand.

She let a small smile Grace her lips as she picked up the heavenly liquid that was in her favourite cup,she took a longing sip,Mateo slipping out of the door.

She removed the duvet that was covering her body,making her way into her En-Suite.She removed the hairband that was holding her hair into a messy bun,her brunette hair falling to her neck.

She stepped into the shower,turning on the warm water tap,letting the water flow over her petit body,a sigh leaving her mouth.


Alaska exited her car,grabbing her backpack and making her way into halls of McKinley,a huff leaving her lips ,the summer had gone way to quickly.

The Perez duo had spent 2 months of summer in California,there flight only getting back into Lima last night.

To say she was JetLagged was a complete understatement.

They went back to California so they could see all of there family and friends,sit was amazing seeing her grandparents,her friends.

It made her feel happy.

Alaska opened her locker,throwing in the books that she did not need and grabbing the ones she did need.

She grabbed her lipgloss shutting her locker door,only for a microphone to be shoved in her face.

"Alaska Perez,is it true that you and Blaine Anderson are dating?"Jacob Ben Israel asked,pieces of spit getting on her face.

Her face made a scowl as she grabbed the microphone.

"Listen here you little muppet,Me and Blaine are not dating,we both have boyfriends,you know that you saw Blaine and Kurt last year"She shouted pushing him out of the way and making her way to the vending machine,in hopes of sealing some sort of energy drink.


Alaska strode into the choir room,her sunglasses on her face as she saw her fellow members all crowding around the cupboard where the National Trophy was,Jacob Ben Israel standing with them,a microphone in hand.

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