|Girls (And Boys)On Film|

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________________Alaska took a piece of popcorn out of the white bowl that was situated on her lap,chewing on the sweet food as her eyes focused on the movie she was watching

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________________Alaska took a piece of popcorn out of the white bowl that was situated on her lap,chewing on the sweet food as her eyes focused on the movie she was watching.

Her and Sebastian were watching The Great Gatsby,while they cuddled on his bed.

Alaska fiddled with the promise ring on her finger as she placed the plastic bowl down,pulling the blanket closer to her and Sebby,wanting to keep them warm.

"You enjoying the movie?"Sebastian asked her,watching her eyes scan over the features of Leonardo DiCaprio,

Thought she preferred him when he was younger and had that blonde hair.

"Yeah,so glad I finally got you to watch this film"She gushed,playing with his hand that was intertwined with hers.Playing with the bracelet that was on his wrist.

The one she had gotten him for Valentines Day.

"Well I can't believe I had not seen this film before,it's marvellous "He stated,smiling.

"You wanna know what else is marvellous?"





That was the word that was written on the whiteboard by Mr Schue this glee club lesson.

As he turned around,his waved his arms about.

"Everybody loves movies"

"They don't just tell stories....they transport us to other worlds.They are inspirational "

"They provide comfort,and they help us escape from our day to day anxieties"

"Like getting left at the alter?"Kitty quipped,shoving her hands in her pockets.


"Too soon"Alaska mumbled,shaking her head as she slightly flared at the blonde.

"Or in your guys' case studying for exams or....worrying about regionals"Md Schue continued,ignoring the comment the blonde cheerleader had said.

"In any case,for this weeks assignment,I want you to pick your favourite movies "At this statement,everyone present let out cheers and applause.

Who didn't like movies?!

"Unique knows all there is to know about the Crying Game"

"You don't get dibs on Les Mis just because you are the poster"Kitty said,eyeing unique .

"Finally I can do my Nicolas Cage impression 'Oh ,not the bees!No!The bees!No!"Sam said,interpreting his favourite Hollywood star.

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