|Dynamic Duets|

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___________Alaska Perez trudged down the white carpeted stairs of her home

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___________Alaska Perez trudged down the white carpeted stairs of her home.Her feet carrying her to the kitchen as she saw her Father sitting at the breakfast bar,a cup of steaming hot coffee in his hand and a small plate to his left,which held a slice of buttered toast.

Walking over to the fridge,Alaska pulled the doors open,grabbing a bottle of cold water and shoving it under her armpit as she grabbed a apple as well.

"Morning"Alaska greeted,walking over to the grey and black stool,Mateo looked up from his paperwork,lately it seemed he was always working.

As he looked up,his eyes widened as he saw his daughter dressed in a red superhero costume,it was red,with a gold band around the waist and,black opaque tights,and matching knee high red boots,her brunette hair flowing behind her,matching the flow of her cape.

As he looked up,his eyes widened as he saw his daughter dressed in a red superhero costume,it was red,with a gold band around the waist and,black opaque tights,and matching knee high red boots,her brunette hair flowing behind her,matching the flow...

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"Why are you dressed as a superhero?"Mateo asked her,he was so used to seeing her in her red and white Cheerios costume,or if it was the weekend,either in her exercise clothes,or some sweat pants and a oversize hoodie.

Getting the last bit of apple down her throat,she answered her father who was staring at her intently.

"Blaine and Sam have organised a superhero thing,it would be a bit harsh if I did not join in"Alaska explained,wiping under her eyes,not really knowing why.

"Well you look wonderful sweetie"He complimented,placing his papers down and ringing his hands together in-front of him.

"Dad,can I ask you something?"The teen questioned,looking up at her father through her eyelashes as she let out a sigh.not knowing how to ask the question that was connected with a touchy subject.

Mateo nodded,taking his reading glasses off,folding the sides in and placing them on the breakfast bar,

"Umm....where did....where did mum go?"

Mateo let out a sigh as he registered what she said,running his hand through his hair,he looked at her,Alaska who was waiting patiently for an answer to her question.

"I told her to leave,she said she was going to stay in Lima,but I did not want you to fall back into your old ways with her around,I don't want you to feel everything you felt the first time you saw her leave"he explained,reaching across the bar and squeezing her hand.

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