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___________Alaska blew a kiss at the picture of her and Sebastian hanging on the inside wall of her locker,looking at her schedule that was hanging in her hand,she let out a small groan at the sight of her first class

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___________Alaska blew a kiss at the picture of her and Sebastian hanging on the inside wall of her locker,looking at her schedule that was hanging in her hand,she let out a small groan at the sight of her first class.


With a sigh,she picked out her desired books for the class,picking up her pencil case abs shoving it in the open fixture of her backpack,she slammed her locker shut,but let out a small yelp as she saw Blaine standing there,a smug smirk on his face.

"Sometimes I forget our lockers are next to each other "Alaska muttered,adding a 'jeez' to the end of the sentence,to which Blaine's smug smirk only grew.

Growing suspicious of his actions,Alaska raised her light brown eyebrows,crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay,what's got you so excited?"She asked,wanting her best friend to dish the details over what has gotten him so happy.

"Nothing,can't a boy just be happy?"He asked,linking there pinkies as they made there way to there maths class,upon hearing the school bell ring above them.

"I'm not saying you can't be happy,your just never this cheery on a Monday morning"She explained,the two of them walking down the hallway,walking past the groups of students who were standing at there lockers.

Walking into there maths class,they walked to there usual seats,ones next to each other of course,as they sat down they immediately went back down into there conversation.

"I can't believe that sectionals is this week"Blaine let out,a huff followed.

"Your not nervous are you Blaine Anderson?"the Latina asked,a smirk on her face as she looked at him.


Letting out a small giggle,she leaned her head on his shoulder as she grabbed her text book out of her binder,and also grabbing her pen .

"Okay class,let's begin"The teacher instructed,grabbing a whiteboard marker and a stack of papers.


Alaska Perez raced down the hallways of McKinley,her history teacher kept her behind as she wanted to congratulate the teen on getting the best score on a pop quiz.

Speed walking into the choir room,her mouth hung ajar as she saw some of the OG New Direction members sitting in-front of the black piano.

"Uh...Alaska your late"Finn announced,people turning round to see the girl who had just entered.

"Yeah....uh my history teacher had to speak to me"She explained,deciding to keep it brief as she sat down next to Blaine at the back,wanting to know why everyone was here.

"Okay well getting on with today's lesson"Finn explained,holding a clip board in his hand.

"All right,do you realise,standing before you are legends?"Finn stated,causing the choir room to erupt into cheers and applause.

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