1st year - Chapter 3

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Davina woke up in the morning and seen that Hermione and Bekki were gone already. She vaguely remembers then trying to wake her up earlier.

Glancing at the clock she panicked because she had 10 minutes to get dressed and get to lessons. That being impossible she did end up being late.

As she was walking into her first class with Proffesor McGonagall she noticed two boys just taking their seats and one of them being Harry she just laughed.

She walked up to the professor's desk to explain and apologise but all she said was to take her seat and start on the work. Looking around the only empty seat she seen was at the back by herself near all the slytherins, walking past the blonde boy and his pack of idiots, he stuck his foot out but she didn't notice it in time so she tripped over it and fell dropping all her books.

She began to pick them up and when she heard him say something, turning around to face him
"What did you just say" Davina asked him, at this point she was angry and if he said something stupid she would definitely loose it, fortunately for her he did say something rather stupid.
"You heard me, mudblood" he spat shooting his eyebrows up like it was threatening.

It was too late for anyone to stop her before she flung her books down and grabbed the boys robes and flung him on the floor. She went to punch him but some people dragged her off before she could
"I'll have you know, my family is one of the oldest line of purebloods there is. Not that, that should matter daddy's boy" she spat at him. Davina looked around and seen Harry and the ginger boy, Ron holding her, shrugging them off and turning around she seen her proffesor coming over,

"What on earth are you two doing?" She asked, Davina had explained to her and the more she explained the more angry she got.

"Thank you Miss Davis for that explanation," she smiled at her and then turned to the Malfoy boy
"20 points from slytherin for use of the most foul language and bullying of a classmate and you've earned yourself detention tonight with Proffesor snape" he didn't seem to pleased but she was more than happy about that.

"And, 5 points from gryffindor and a detention for you too Miss Davis" the professor began to turn away but she stopped her
"Excuse me Miss?" Davina questioned her.

"Although I understand your outburst miss Davis, I cannot accept fighting in my classroom or in the school for that matter"

Defeated but understanding she turned to sit at her desk and wait till the end of the lesson.

She was sat there until it was time to go to potions with Proffesor snape.

The students were all sat down when he came bursting into the classroom rather dramatically,

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science of the potion making. However, for those of you who possess the pre-disposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses; I can tell you how to brew glory, bottle fame, and even put a stopper in death.
Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel comfortable enough to not. Pay. Attention..." he slowly drawled on and started walking over to a table

"Mr Potter. Our new celebrity." Hermione nudges him and he stops writing and Davina just shake her head knowing this won't end well.
"What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked and immediately her hand and Hermione's went up. Harry just shook his head as snape went on
"You dont know? Well thats try again. Where Mr potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Again Davina's and Hermione's hand went up but Harry didn't know any of this and he told the proffesor he didn't know.
"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" This one was an easy one for Davina but still Harry knew nothing but snape went on,

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mister Potter?"
Harry seemed fed up with this and snapped
"Clearly Hermione and Davina knows, seems a pity not to ask them" the class began to snigger and snape silenced them and made his way over to Davina and harry's shared desk
"Put your hand down you silly girl" he snapped to Hermione as he took a seat and sat in front of Harry. He began to speak but Davina stood up before he could
"Please sir I know the answers, they're simple enough for someone who has studied them for their whole life but clearly since harry had no knowledge that this world existed until a few months ago then he does not have the same abilities" Davina took a breath and waited for his answer
"Very well Miss Davis, would you care to enlighten us since you clearly seem to be an expert in potions" he said glancing over to her,

"Certainly sir, Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death.
A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. Also monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite" she smiled to herself and sat down triumphantly.

Snape seemed pleased that she knew the answers and just said to the class before going back to his desk
"Well why aren't you taking this down? If any of you need help with this weeks homework, I suggest you ask Miss Davis since she has advanced knowledge" he went back to his desk before speaking up again
""And gryffindors note that 5 points will be taken from house for your clasmates cheek" he says and looks up again.
"Miss Davis you are awarded 10 points for your advanced knowledge and I would like to speak to you when class is over" he said without saying anything she just nodded and got to work.

It was now the end of the lesson and snape had given out a lot of homework but Davina wasn't too fussed it was easy stuff for her.

She put her things in her bag and walked up to snape's desk while the other of her friends waited outside.
"You wanted to see me sir?" She asked him. He stopped writing and turned to face her,
"Professor McGonagall has informed me of what happened in her classroom and that you and Mr Malfoy will be attending detention with me tonight. I will speak to the boy and make sure that he does not bother you again. And I do hope for your sake that I dont see you in detention again" He didn't wait for her reply before turning back to his desk,
"Miss Davis, may I ask where you got your extensive knowledge of potions?" He asked her while still looking down at his desk.

"Well, my older brother Mitchell always liked it and I stole some of his books and found it really interesting, I kept stealing any new books he got until my dad gave me my own. I'm currently on the book for 3rd years I think" Davina wasn't one to talk about herself or boast herself up but something about talking to Professor Snape, the potions master made her want to prove that she had the advanced knowledge.

He didn't say anything just a nod and a mumble of 'interesting'. She took that as her cue to leave and go to lunch.

"Wow Davina I've never seen someone stand up to 2 people in one day" Bekki says as she linked arms with her, they both went on your way as Ron spoke up,

"What did Snape want? Do you have another detention?" He grimaced at the thought of it.

"Actually he told me he would speak to Malfoy and keep him off my back, he's actually not that bad" she said not realising what she just said. Davina looked up and all of them had stopped and looked at her with shocked faces.
"Not that bad?, he just embarrassed Harry in front of the whole class" Hermione says. They all began walking again

"Yeah but I stuck up for him and he never gave me another detention and we gained house points. I don't see the big deal" She asked genuinely confused by their hatred for him.

They didn't say much after, they just began to walk towards the great hall for lunch.

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