Summer - Chapter 21

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It had been a couple days since the incident and Davina hadn't slept very well. The twins and Ginny stayed in her room the whole time making sure she was okay, she didn't eat at all much to Mrs Wealseys protest.

Davina's dad had been hounding the ministry to do everything possible to find the man that done this to her, he wasn't handling it that well. I mean who could blame him, his baby girl was assaulted and they didn't even know who the man was.

The ministry had checked for witnesses but no one was around. The Knight bus driver and Stan weren't much help either. The only witness and proof was Davina and the marks on her body. They had a female worker come in and take a description of them and it took a while because the young girl was panicking and she was only allowed to have Molly in the room so fred or George couldn't calm her down.

After the description of her injuries were made, they took a description of the man and had come up with a sketch, much to life like for Davina's liking. They had done everything they could but now all they had to do was do the long game of waiting.

An article was put in the daily prophet with the sketch of the man,
"After an incident occurred on Thursday evening the ministry are looking to apprehend a man in his late 30's, seen traveling by night bus and getting off at the leaky cauldron with a young teenage girl at around 8 o'clock on said evening.
Details of this incident have still to be received but we have been told it was of a violent sexual nature. Please keep a look out for this individual and if you have any information please contact ministry via owl"

Davina was nervous incase people would come up to her to talk about it and that she'd end up giving something away but it was the quickest way to get the man.


She were now packing her things in her trunk to get ready to go when she began to fold a top, the same one she wore that night and in an instamt it was like it was happening right then and there. Davina began to panic. That same feeling of the water filled, constricted lungs came back and this time she was alone.

Throwing the t-shirt down on the ground she tried to regulate her breathing but nothing worked, feeling as though she sat there forever, the twins finally came in after their breakfast to see her on the floor hugging her knees panciking.

They both stepped closer to the young but she looked up at them and they knew they couldn't come near her this time, so they just sat down on the floor cross legged and began to sing for her, this seemed to be the only way for Davina to calm down now.

"At an old motel or a cliff side view No matter where I roam with you" Fred started off the song
"In the desert sands or the hills with snow
Whichever path we choose to go" George continued and they both waited for her to join in,
"I'll be by your side" she sang and then the twins joined in
"I'll be by your side
Wherever we are
Wherever we are
Wherever we are im home" as she stopped singing her breathing was now coming back to normal and at this moment in time she was greatful to have the 2 pranksters to help her.

*Williams P.O.V*

I had just finished having breakfast with the others and I decided to head up and see if Davina was okay, as I reached the end of the hall I seen the twins going into her room. I walked up quickly and heard her panicking, I wanted to go in but I was stopped as I heard someone singing, one of the boys, and then the other joined in. It was quiet for a moment and then I heard the 3 of them singing, I haven't heard Davina's singing voice in a while, she stopped singing before she started hogwarts. As much as she looked like her brothers her voice was always her mothers and knowing this used to  hurt but now instead of associating it with her I now just heard it as my daughters and its one of the things I've grown to love. Coming out of my thoughts they had stopped singing and Davina had now settled down, without disturbing them I walked away and decided to let the boys help her this time.

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