4th year - Chapter 55

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I was sitting in the hall while we were all studying, I was sitting with the twins on my left, Bekki on my right and then Hermione, Harry and Ron across from us. I heard Ron and Harry talking about getting dates for the yule ball and it sounded like they weren’t having much luck.

“This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates.” Ron says turning back around in his seat just as my dad comes over and smacks his head turning him around fully. “Well, us and Neville!”

“But then again he can take himself.” The two boys start laughing quietly but Hermione interrupts them. “It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone.”

Ron groans and grumbles going back to his work “Now I'm really depressed.”

I look up to see Fred writing a note "get a move on or all the good ones will have gone!" it says. He passes it to Ron who looks around before turning to his brother. “Who you going with then?” he asks. I watch as Fred looks around the table and his eyes land on Angelina. I know for a fact that Angelina hasn’t got a date because I heard her complaining about it in the common room this morning.

He crumbles up some paper and throws it in her direction, it was funny to watch him mime out asking her but it still kind of stung. She said yes. I seen George smirking at his brothers actions before his eyes fell on me and his features softened. I picked up my expression and gave him a small smile. Of course he seen right through me and raised his eyebrows in a challenging manner. I dropped my smile and shook my head before getting back to finishing my work.

“Well Hermione, you're a girl.” Ron says which catches my attention. I try to stifle a laughter earning a glare from Ron.
“Oh well spotted.” She seemed over this conversation, I was finished the last of my work and was waiting for others to finish. I looked to see Bekki looking at me trying to keep her laugh in from hearing Ron’s conversation.

“Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad.” I know that what he said wasn’t true but it spark something in me and made me kind of upset. I know I was the one to reject all the boys but I genuinely thought that I would be disinterested in this ball but now everyone is talking about it I can’t help but think I made some sort of mistake.

Not wanting to hear any more of the conversation I grab my stuff, almost throw my work at my dad. I stand there waiting for him to look over it before I can go. I can hear the faint conversation in the background.

“What’s wrong with her?” I hear Ron ask probably to one of the girls.

“She said no to all the boys that asked her” Hermione answered him in a hushed tone probably not wanting me to hear it.

“Why?” Ron asked them.

“How many asked her?” Fred asked at the same time.

“Well when I was with her a lot of people asked her but I’m not sure how many asked her when she was alone and she said she wasn’t interested but I think it’s something else” Bekki said just as quiet but it wasn’t working I still heard their conversation.

My dad nodded and I picked my bag up and began to walk away, I felt someone grab my wrist. It was Fred, could this get any worse? I pulled my wrist out of his grip and stormed out the hall. I didn’t turn around or hear any more of their conversation.

I have a free night from Caleb today because I was supposed to go and find my dress tomorrow with Bekki, Hermione and Ginny but instead of going to relax in my room I made my way up the familiar stairs to the astronomy tower.

It’s been a while since I’ve been high and I was excited to say the least. I already had my secret stash in my bag so I didn’t even need to go to my room and risk getting caught. I sat down and let my legs dangle as the cool breeze brushes past me and I let out a calming breath. I dug through my bag and pulled out all the things I needed. Being almost second nature it doesn’t take me too long to roll a decent sized joint for myself, I don’t even need to share it with anyone this time.

Our Dream - A Hogwarts Story - DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now