Summer - Chapter 9

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All summer Davina has been with her brothers having fun, they've been out walking and swimming and even to the muggle theme park, which was fun. They've found out that Alec is scared of the fast spinning rides but Davina absolutely loves them.

When she can Davina has been writing to her friends, her and Bekki talk at least once a week the same with hermione. She gets a letter occasionally from ron and the rest of the Weasley's, she's mailed Harry a few times but not received anything back. She wasn't too worried because of how he said his muggle family were but she did hope he was okay.

She was in the middle of packing a bag for the camping trip her dad promised to take her on that she didnt realise someone was standing in the door way until she seen some movement
"Oh my merlin, you almost gave me a heartattack" she says clutching her chest not bothering to look up
"Is that what I get after not seeing you for almost 2 months?" She knew that voice and it wasn't any of her family's
"Bekki!" She shouted before jumping over her bed. Bekki ran away downstairs into the livingroom where everyone was. She began to slow down and turn around as Davina tackled her into a hug so hard that they both fell onto the ground laughing, Davina stopped and pulled her up and apologised.

"What are you doing here?" She asked her since she was supposed to be leaving in 10 minutes.

"Your dad invited me actually, I'm coming camping with you" Davina just stared at her as she remembered their conversation in the common room before the end of school.
"But you hate camping" she said "why are you coming?" Davina finished still confused
"Because I missed you, you idiot" she laughed.

She didn't question her anymore. She just finished packing her bag before heading downstairs. They were going to use a port key to get to the camping spot because it was a bit away.

They all grabbed onto the old teapot and began to whiz away, this was her first time using a port key so her landing wasn't as graceful as her dad and brothers was, Davina and Bekki got up off the ground as the rest floated down laughing slightly.


They've already been there an hour or so and the tent is set up and the fire is already going, Davina and Bekki had to collect the wood for the fire while her brothers set up the tent. Davina didn't mind going looking but Bekki did, the whole time she was complaining and mumbling about using magic instead. She really didn't like camping.

As they got back to the tent Davina seen a second one set up and a glimpse of ginger hair inside, she looked between her dad and the tent and he just smiled and nodded as if to confirm her suspicions.

Dropping the sticks on the ground Davina ran to the entrance of the tent and flung it open fully, accidentally scaring Mr Weasley in the process. No one heard her apart from Mrs Wealsey who she'd only met once at the end of last year after she got off the train.
Her and Arthur were some of her dads best friends at school as well as a few others.

Mrs Wealsey walked over and hugged her instantly "Ah Davina darling, how have you been?" She asked pulling back from her hug to look at her, "I've been good Mrs Wealsey thank you" she smiled but before either of them could say anything else someone's voice resonated through the tent or should they say 2 peoples voices
"Did you just day-" one twin said
"Davina, as in Davina Davis" and the other finished
"Well who else is it going to be you numpties" she giggled to herself as the twins exited the room they were in she ran up to them and hugged them together
"I hate to say it but, I missed you guys" and Davina wasn't lying it was a bit boring at times without their pranks
"Yeah suppose we missed you too" George said
"Do any good pranks while you were away?" Fred asked with hope filled eyes

"Actually I did, I put blue hair dye in the boys shampoo bottle and they had it for about a week before they were able to change it back" Davina laughed at the memory, remembering her brothers chasing her around the house for a good 10 minutes.
"Taught you well then" George says looking thoroughly pleased with himself the same as fred.

Before she could say anything else she heard another person's voice
"Ron" she exclaimed as she walked over and hugged him. Not much enthusiasm as Bekki or the twins but still nice.

After about an hour of catching up Davina had finally had a conversation with the littlest Wealsey- Ginny. She was a sweet girl and Davina knew they were going to be good friends one day.

Davina asked everyone if they wanted to go swimming in the water near by, not a lot of people joined. It ended up being Davina, Bekki, Ron, the twins, Ginny and Connor.

They all walked up to the water, Davina went to dip her toe in to see if it was cold but before she knew it she felt a force on her back pushing her in, the water was so cold and as she was under an idea struck.

Climbing to the surface she glared at the twins who pushed her in,
"Ha, ha very fun-" before she could finish, she was submerged under water again thrashing around trying to gasp for air each time she broke the surface.

Davina felt someone pull her to the edge of the water and placed her down, she didn't open her eyes and kept her breath shallow hoping to appear really badly hurt, it may have been cruel but they pushed her in first
"Davina?" Her name was called, by one of the twins, she heard them conversing thinking it was serious but as soon as the smirk appeared in her lips and she opened her eyes she could see everyone glaring at her.

She laughed for a good 5 minutes and it didn't take long for others to join in
"Connor you know I'm a good swimmer and I'm good in the water how did you fall for that?" She asked her brother trying to stiffle the laughters
"I panicked now shut up" he was clearly annoyed so she didn't push him further.

After swimming around, skimming stones and talking until it got darker they all headed back to the tents in time to see them setting up a big table. They all changed into cozier clothes and then headed to the table for dinner.

Davina sat down and then the twins sat opposite sides of her with fred on her left and George on her right, probably trying to confuse her but it still didn't work.

Having a home cooked meal like that for the first time in ages was so good and everyone decided to sit round the fire and talk and eat dessert.

It got pretty dark so they were all told to go back inside the tent and go to bed. Davina and Bekki shared a set of bunk beds, Davina gave Bekki the bottom bunk and it soon became clear that was a problem because the next morning she was lifting up Davina's mattress with her feet waking her up
"Do you have a death wish for waking me up laurie?" She didn't mean it but it came out harsher than expected
"Wow okay ill back off, geez" she stopped and stared to laugh to herself.

The rest of the week was great fun, Davina spent most her days with Bekki, the twins, Ginny and Ron while everyone else went off in different groups. Most days they went down to the water or found something fun to do in the woods other days were spent in the tents playing games with everyone.

One night they played monopoly and it ended up with a flipped board the twins started fighting and Davina had a black eye from trying to separate them and if that didn't top it off then fighting with Bekki about one of the properties would.

They all went to bed and by the morning everyonr was calmed down, unfortunately it was the last day and it was spent tidying and packing everything up. They said goodbye to the Weasley's and Davina, her dad, brothers and Bekki headed home, they dropped Bekki off first and then went home to get ready for hogwarts.

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