3rd year - Chapter 23

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They were all sitting in the great hall waiting for dumbledore to make his speech and as usual every year. 'No going in the bad scary forest, multiple more items banned, blah, blah'. All Davina wanted to know was who is the new Defence against the dark arts teacher. Being in 3rd year she was further up the table and she could see a new face but from back here and this terrible eyesight she couldn't make him out. Something was familiar about him though.

When she arrived they were a bit later than everyone so when they came in a lot of people stared and she just thought it was because they were late but now, sitting down and looking around the hall she seen a lot of people staring at her. She hoped her look didn't change too much for them to stare at her so much.

It started to make her feel uncomfortable and tense up, her breathing got a little heavier and she just looked down at her empty plate.

She tried to claim down the breathing but it didn't work so much, Bekki tried to console her by putting her hand on her thigh but accidentally got too close. The immediate touch freaked Davina out and she ran out the hall and down a corridor.

Sliding down the wall she had brung her knees up and dropped her head into her hands while the breathing got worse.


Can't breath


Hel-" her thoughts were stopped by footsteps rushing down the hall and seen her favourite redheads running down to get to her.

They stopped a bit in front of her not getting too close,
"Your okay?" It was a mixture of a question and a statement so she just nodded.

Them just being there helped calm her down. After a couple minutes she stood up and walked back with them, her sudden escape had everyone staring at her which didn't help.

Dumbledore noticed and started speaking getting everyone's attention
"I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin. Who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." As he said the name Davina's head immediately snapped up and she seen him. Her brothers noticed him too.

The man her father was close to when they were younger, her dad and him were like brothers, it was Davina's godfather,

"Holy shit, UNCLE LUPIN" she shouted as she ran up to the teachers table, unaware that she was here and how much she had grown he was taken aback when she wrapped her arms around his torso but he soon hugged her back.

"Davis, Language" Snape scolded as she pulled away from the proffesor. Davina's smile had disappeared when he said this,

"English, how. Forgot?" She challenged as she crossed her arms and tilted her head awaiting his answer. This year she wasn't taking shit. New look, new Davina.
He glared at her and came to his decision,


'Fuck' she just smiled and went back to her seat as well as getting some odd glances she received smiles and a few sniggers some nice, laughing at her answer to snape. Some were snigger from the slytherin's as she got detention.

After the rest of Dumbledore's speech the great feast had appeared but after the panic attack she wasn't hungry anymore so she only had a sausage and a Yorkshire pudding. It was enough to fill her up but your friends tried to encourage her to eat more.

She was soon heading back to the common room when she remembered about meeting up with Draco to tell him what happened.

"I need to speak to McGonagall, don't wait up" she said as she walked away form her friends. Most of them nodded but Bekki gave her smirk since she knew where Davina were going.

They had promised to meet up a couple corridors away from the great hall so they could talk but this was before everything happened. The fact she hadn't owled to him in a week and a bit, he might not even be there. She was a couple corners away from the spot when she turned another and her heart dropped.

He stood there leaning against a wall with a girl against it, kissing, her boyfriend, kissing someone else. That's the last thing she wanted to see. He hadn't seen her yet so she slowly retreated behind the wall and ran back to the common room. She stopped and calmed herself down, wiping her face and heading in.

She seen her friends sitting on the couches looking at her as she came in,
"Forgot something" 2 words, that was all, and it was a struggle to get them out without her voice shaking.

She ran up to her room grabbed what she needed before jogging back down and out the portrait hole. The one place that was quiet at this time was the astronomy tower, plus there would be a nice cool breeze to calm her.

She hadn't told anyone what she had been doing for the past week but one night she couldn't sleep so she went a walk, stupid idea yes but usually they helped. While she walked she seen some people smoking. She had asked them for some of it and they agreed, Easy.

After it she bought some of the stuff she needed and hid it in her room before slipping it into her case. They taught her what to do.

That's what she done, sitting on the floor, back against the railing, she pulled out the stuff she needed.

Keeping the papers in her pocket incase they blew away.

Putting the buds into the grinder and getting to work, for her first time it wasn't so bad.
She remembered to roll her own roach and managed to grind the buds down enough and now it was time to roll. It wasn't the best but practice makes perfect right.

She grabbed the muggle lighter and lit it up. The first draw was awful, coughing for a good 5 minutes but she slowly got used to it again.

Davina sat there thinking about everything and for the first time she wasn't sad, it was relaxing. She took another draw of the joint but before she could exhale she heard footsteps behind her. Trying to keep the smoke in was difficult and she had to turn around.

"Oh thank god" she spoke as she exhaled the smoke in their direction, wafting it away they just looked down at her with a confused look on their face.
"What are you doing?" Fred asked as he sat down next to the girl and swung his legs over the edge similar to hers.
"Relaxing" she said as she went to take another draw. He watched her very closely,
"Can I try?" He asked, the shock was clear on her face but she complied. She told him how to do it and he done well, couple coughs but he did good.

After a couple minutes Davina spoke up
"How did you find me?" She asked him taking another draw.

He didn't say anything he just pulled out parchment from his pocket. Not bothered to even acknowledged it was blank Davina just nodded.

After a couple minutes of passing the joint back and forth it was done. She stubbed it out and put it back in her pocket instead of flicking it so no one would see it.

"Want another?" She asked him, she probably shouldn't but she didn't feel as relaxed as she wanted so whether his answer was yes or no didn't really matter but he nodded anyway.

Just like when she was smoking it, he watched her intently as she rolled it as well.

"You can't tell anyone about this, its illegal" she whispered the end bit. He didn't seem too shocked so she went on to light it and began smoking again.

"Why did you come up here" he asked drawing out a long puff.

"I'll tell you but don't interrupt" she pointed her finger at him.
He nodded and passed her back the joint. She took a big hit before continuing.

Davina told him everything from the start since before she was petrified and then explained that she needed to think and be calm so she came up here to smoke. He seemed to understand as he just nodded.

He did call Malfoy a dick and promised to prank him for her. She would happily let him do that.

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