2nd year - Chapter 15

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They all got back go the common room and Davina sat on the couches next to the fire.

"You're both Parselmouth's?" Ron says to Harry and then looks at the girl "Why didn't you guys tell us?" Davina looks at him confused because she can't be a Parselmouth that's impossible. Its rare.

"I'm a what?" Harry asks clearly confused because no one ever actually told him about any of this.

"You can talk to snakes." The girl say putting her head in her hands going over everything.

"I know." He says and she stands up immediately
"What do you mean you know?" Davina ask him tilting her head.

"I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once.
But so what?
I bet loads of people here can do it." He seriously doesn't understand what this means. what people will think, Davina mentally face palmed herself.

"No, they can't." She says starting to pace around the room
"It's not a very common gift, Harry." Hermione told him
"This is bad."Bekki adds in

"What's bad?
If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin" he began to say but was interrupted by ron

"That's what you said to it." He said looking at the boy

"You were there. You heard me." The brown haired boy replied, still confused.

"I heard you and Davina speaking Parseltongue. Snake language." Ron insisted

"I spoke a different language? But I didn't realize. How can I speak a language without knowing I can?" He still didn't get it and honestly Davina didn't either but staying calm was what she was trying to do so Harry wasn't freaking out anymore than he was.

"I don't know, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something until Davina stepped in front of Justin" Hermione says sending her a sweet smile.

"Harry, listen to me." Davina says taking in a breath.
"There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too." Explaining this she was hoping he understands now but Ron butted in first,

"Exactly. Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great-great-great grandson and
Davina is somehow involved as well" the ginger boy said trying to stress the severity of the situation.

"But I'm not. I can't be." Harry said in disbelief finally understanding what was going on

"He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know, you could be." Bekki says from behind them all as she was slowly listening to the conversation.

"I can't be my family has no slyther-" Davina stops as she starts pacing.

"What is it?" Bekki asks standing up from the couch.

"My mums family were slytherins" the girl says stopping to face the others. It seemed they had horrified expressions on their faces and that panicked the girl,
"Guys its not me I swear. You know I don't care about pureblood crap" Davina said trying to reassure them.

"We believe you but, does anyone else know about your Slytherin side?" Hermione asks her.

The girl walks over and sits on the couch again as she nods her head.
"Malfoy's family are close with my mum's i think" Davina says groaning and leaning back against the couch

"This is bad" Ron speaks up.

After talking for a while in the common room and explaining more to Harry about what this meant for the both of them, Davina decides to take a breather and walk through the castle before curfew.

It was late in the castle so she didn't pass many people, turning corners subconsciously she ended up outside the library and decided to head in for a minute and see if she could figure something out.

After about 20 minutes she was going to give up but then as she flipped the page to one of the books she pulled, scanning the words carefully her eyes bulged about the new information, putting a book mark in the page she closed it and fled the library back to the common room.

Davina turned a corner only to hear splashing at her feet, looking down the floor was covered in water that was leaking from the girls bathroom. She went to check it out but heard that voice again,


She was about to run but before she could she felt something large behind her.

She kept her eyes trained on the floor, clutching the book so she wouldn't loose it, she seen her shaking reflection in the water and before she could do anything she seen a bright flash of yellow before everything went dark.


So I decided to stop this here i know its short but I think the next chapter will be different people's P.O.V's I'm not sure but I really hope this hasn't been boring so far.

The next couple years will be exciting, I hope and I really like my idea for the ending and I think it will make everyone cry.

I'm aware not many will read this but I really wanted to make this ❤

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