Summer - chapter 43

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I’ve been home for the summer for about a week. The week has been eventful definitely. When I first got home I had everyone’s help. Mrs Weasley was here all day helping and showing me everything and giving me some tips. She told me to owl her if I needed something or just go straight to her at any time.

I’ve owled back and forth with the twins to talk about practicing and we’ve decided for 3 times a week at my house since it’s less busy. We are starting next week and we still have to pick a song from the list Professor Flitwick gave us. We decided that if the twins knew the song that would be easier it meant all I had to do was learn the lyrics instead of them learning chords and beats.

My love for baby Caleb as only kept growing over the week. He has beautiful blue eyes like mine and lovely brown hair. He has the cutest little freckles that litter his nose and a small birthmark on his wrist. Everyone absolutely loves him and Bekki and her mum came over to visit once we were all settled in. He stays in my room and will for a while since we don’t have a spare room but I don’t  mind,  it gives me peace of mind having him close to me when he sleeps. Cho and her mum also came for a visit and absolutely love him, he’s a very cuddly baby which is good for me because I love it. Cedric and his family came round and Mrs Diggroy loves him, she definitely held him the most while they were here.

Caleb and I have gotten lots of presents, my little bean has more clothes than I know what to do with. My favourite present was from the Weasley’s, they all chipped in and got me a rocking chair to put in my room for the late night feeds and it came with a big teddy bear about the size of me. Hermione as always got me books on parenting. She also sent something called a baby wrap? Apparently you can wrap it around yourself and have your baby with you while having your hands free and she had sent a batch of her mother’s cookies with it. I wrote back and asked if I could have the recipe because they were absolutely delicious.

I’ve not spoken to harry much but I suppose that’s because of his muggle family being absolutely awful. I wanted to go and visit but my dad thought it best to leave it. I have owled him but he hasn’t returned them at all.

Something else that happened that my brothers and I were very happy about was the fact that Uncle Sirius has come and started staying with us. Apparently after Harry and Hermione had freed him he went and talked to my dad with the help of Uncle Remus. I can tell my dad is happy about having his friends back and they’ve been going back to their teenage ways. It just how I imagined it apart from the fact Sirius wasn’t free but it was the best we could get.
Caleb loves Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius and they love him.

I’ve spoken with Snape and he had visited once when we got settled in and stayed for about an hour. This was before Sirius was here thank merlin because I don’t know what would happen. Snape is always nervous to hold Caleb but he still has a smile on his face none the less.

Today is the first practice with Fred and George. As much as I love singing and I loved playing around with them I am actually really nervous. We have a couple months to practice but I’m absolutely terrified.
I was in the kitchen with Caleb making some food for us all to eat while we are practicing. I managed to get Alec and Connor out of the house for a couple of hours so we could practice. We still aren’t allowed to tell anyone about it so I just said I wanted time for me and Caleb. They decided to go to Cedric’s so I told them to say hi for me.

I was just putting the sandwiches on plates when I heard them come through from the floo network.
“I’m in the kitchen” I shouted through to them. I heard their heavy steps coming through the doors.
“Hey short stack” George said coming up and giving me a hug.
“Hey Davis” Fred said and pulled me into another hug.
“You guys need to stop growing I swear, you both tower over me” I laugh a little as I have to crane my neck to look up at them. They laughed with me as Fred took Caleb and George went for a sandwich.
“Are you guys ready for this?” I asked them. They both nodded but Fred was the only one to verbally answer me,
“Honestly I’m a little nervous. We’ve never actually played in front of people” I let out a breath knowing I wasn’t the only one who was nervous.
“Honestly I’m shitting it but we will be fine. The stuff is in my dad’s office. He set it up before he left and he moved stuff around so we have more space. So let’s eat and then get ready” they both nodded and I took Caleb back so that Fred could get some food.

We were all done and I was taking them to the office when Uncle Sirius came bounding down the stairs,
“Hey pup, your Uncle Lupin is co-” he stopped talking when he seen that there were other people here. It never even went through my head that they might freak out. I don’t even know if they know that he’s innocent.

“Hey Davis, you know you’ve got a mass murderer in your house right” Fred whispered in my ear. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was panicking about this situation I would most likely be blushing about how close he was.

“So I have some news” I said as I turned around to face the twins who were trying not to stare at Sirius. “Uncle Sirius can you take Caleb and watch him for a while. We’ve got to practice for that thing that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about” I gave him a big cheesy grin and he happily took Caleb off my hands and went into the living room.
“So basically. He’s innocent and he was framed and he’s technically my Uncle like Remus is technically my uncle. On the same page. Good. Let’s go” I tried to walk away but they took hold of my wrist and spun me around to face them.


So I did, I told them everything and it’s safe to say they were a little bit shocked.

“Well then. Now that that’s done. Let’s go practice.” Fred said and continued to walk away before he turned around “I don’t know where your dad’s office is”
I led them into the office and we began to go through the song sheets. They picked out the ones that they knew how to play, which left us with 2. Thankfully Professor Flitwick sent Records so we know what they sound like. We played the both of them and picked one.
I was a mutual decision and I was really excited to sing it while the boys played the instruments.
The boys practiced and got used to the music again while I was trying to remember the lyrics. Its safe to say the first practice went well.

Summer had 2 months left and for the first month all we done was practice and it was going great. Apart from the fact that I was struggling to hit the high note. The twins kept telling me I was doing great but I was kicking myself, I mean it was difficult but I really wanted to get this done.

The song had some amazing guitar work and I was quite impressed with how well both the twins played. I always looked at George’s face when we were practicing. He was playing the drums and his face when he was concentrating was quite amusing.

We had just finished our last practice for that week and I was absolutely exhausted. I never got the high note this time either.
The twins could obviously tell I was getting frustrated with myself.

Hey short stack it’s okay, we are going back to school a week earlier so we can sort it out with Flitwick” I nodded at them before we all went through to the kitchen for a drink.

When we walked in I seen Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus with baby Caleb. Over the past month Caleb has grown so much. He’s still little but he’s just adorable. He’s definitely everyone’s favourite now.

“Hey we heard your practice, it sounded good” Uncle Sirius said as we walked into the kitchen.

I took Caleb out of his hands for a cuddle and sat down on the chair next to him “thanks but im still struggling. These two on the other hand are very impressive” I said gesturing to the twins.

“Aw Davis you flatter us” Fred said as he and George sat down with a glass of water.
“You’re to kind short stack” George said as he passed me a glass of water.

We all sat around for a bit before the twins headed back home. I went upstairs to feed Caleb and out him down for a nap.

Next week is the Quidditch world cup and I’m both excited and nervous. I’m excited because it’s Quidditch and I can’t wait to see an actually professional match. On the other hand I’m nervous because I’m leaving Caleb with Molly till we come back and it’s the first I’m leaving him.

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