1st year - Chapter 4

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As they all entered the great hall, most of the students were back and sitting down at their tables eating their lunch. The group walked over and sat down. Davina sat beside bekki while the other 3 sat opposite them.

Beginning to tuck into her lunch she was picked up by 2 people and placed standing in front of them.

"What the hell Connor," she looked at her brother and then the boy standing next to him "Alec, care to explain why you two just pulled me away from my lunch?" He didn't say anything but connor did

"Why weren't you at breakfast?" He asked worriedly, not wanting to cause a scene she tried to explain but couldn't even get a word out before Alec piped in,

"Why have we been hearing that you picked a fight in class? An actual physical fight!" They both glared at her and she couldn't help but laugh a little bit which just made them angrier.

"You can't be doing that Davina. Your not even halfway through your first day yet and you've already got detention" connor was fuming and to make matters worse Bekki started to speak up,

"She also stood up to snape and answered back in his class" she couldn't help but laugh at Davina's face as she sent her a death glare.

"WHAT?" Alec shouted and now they were making a scene, soon everyone's eyes were on the 3 of them. Looking around she rolled her eyes grabbed the boys arms and dragged them out the hall but not before shouting back to Bekki
"Bekki your a bitch you know that?" She just laughed and said "I know, but you love me" she wasn't wrong, even though they'd only known each other a day they were already really close friends.

After calming her brothers down she explained what happened and what Malfoy had said, safe to say neither of them were happy, she went to speak again but Alec had already stormed off back into the great hall
"ALEC STOP" Davina shouted as he headed over to the slytherin table, he didn't listen.

"Oi daddy's boy," he called to Malfoy, Davina couldn't help but laugh because that exactly what she had called him earlier, Malfoy looked up and seemed genuinely scared but hid it quickly and now just had a cocky grin on his face
"Dont you dare use that word around my sister or her friends again. Infact don't even look at my sister. Got it?" It sounded like he growled at him and Malfoy being the scared little daddy's boy that he is just nodded. Davina went over and grabbed her brother pulling him out the hall so she could talk to him again.

She managed to calm him down again and explain the rest and when they heard that snape had been nice Connor and Alec were really shocked and they began to joke about how she was always being the favourite.

The 3 of them went back into the great hall and split off, the 2 boys went back to their table and Davina went back to her seat next to Bekki.

Sitting down she lightly punched her arm,
"What was that for?" She asked rubbing her arm as if it hurt
"You just made them loose their shit at me, thats what" Davina laughed after so Bekki knew she weren't actually serious.

Lunch went on without much more drama although it was announced in the paper that someone tried to break into gringotts but that conversation became very boring very quickly for Davina so she just sat and ate and talked to Bekki while the other 3 talked about that and their theories.

After lunch they had flying lessons with Madame Hooch. Davina didn't need them but they were mandatory for all 1st years.
They all got change into more suitable attire for flying and made their way out to the grass where there were broomsticks lined up in 2 rows.

Standing with the rest of the gryffindors Davina took her place next to a broom. Not long after she took a spot next to the broom, their flying instructor Madame Hooch came over and greeted the class, she stopped at the top and looked down the line, once she spotted Davina she stopped and smiled.

"Miss Davis, its been a while. Still flying?" She asked her, the young smiled back at her and nodded.

Her father managed to convince the hwr to give Davina and her brothers flying lessons before they left. Only being 5 at the time she didn't do much but she kept training while they were away with a instructor highly recommended by the woman.

"Class, I taught Miss Davis and her brothers when she was merely 5 years old and even then I knew she was a good flyer, I can't wait to see how you and your brothers have progressed with Brankcovitch's help" she smiled at her and before she could reply ron butted
"Brankovitch? Maximus Brankovitch the third? The American seeker that made the national team Bloody hell. How did you swing that?"

Davina began laughing at him and explained that when she left, her and her brothers wanted to keep training but since madame hooch was here and they were in America she managed to pull a few strings and get him as their instructor. After explaining to Ron she turned to madame hooch.

"I'm sorry to say miss but Connor didn't continue flying with me, he got the basics and stopped to focus on his studying, me and Alec kept going but stopped about a year before we left so we could catch up on studying as well" Madame Hooch just nodded and continued with the class.

She explained to the rest of them about brooms and then instructed them all to command the broomstick up. Davina had no problem like a few others. Harry's broom complied staright away which surprised him, she also seen malfoy had down the same as well.

After a while and a few injuries later including Ron getting smacked in the face with it they all had their brooms, Bekki standing next to the girl looked really nervous but Davina managed to reassure her and then continued to focus on the lesson.

Madame Hooch instructed them all to mount it and kick up off the ground, hover for a second and then slowly glides back down, just as she blew her whistle, Neville's broom went up too high and he couldn't control it. Before amy of them knew he had flown higher and higher and he began to panic.

Madame hooch instructed him to come back down but Davina had a feeling he couldn't control it, even though she was rusty she raised from the ground and tried to go after Neville. When she got up in the air he was hanging on for dear life, as his broom flew closer to the castle Davina sped forward hoping to catch him before he hit the wall, unfortunately she was too late as his broom bounced off against the wall and flew round the side, she was close to hitting the wall herself, quickly and calmly she pulled her broom upwards and hovered looking for the boy. She seen him fly through the students and she began to do the same, she was almost passing the students when one of them stood up and she had maneuver and spin to avoid them. Neville went through the arch way and up into he sky before flying off again, his broom kept going but his robe got caught in the spear of a statue, she was close to the boy and went to grab him when he fell again. Knowing that it was a high drop she sped forward before his robe could catch onto the other spikes. Managing to grab him, Davina held him and tried to steady her broom but he began to slip as his robes were falling off him.
"Neville your going to fall" the young girl shouted to him, she tried to not let it happen but it was difficult to hold him and steady her broom, his clothes slipped out her hand and he fell. Luckily it wasn't too much of a fall now but she did hear a crunch as he landed on his arm funny..

Coming off her broom she went over and tried to help him up but madame hooch done it instead.

Madame Hooch took him to the hospital wing and instructed them all to stay on the ground or they would be expelled faster than they can say quidditch, Davina muttered 'quidditch' under her breath to be a smart arse but some people heard her and began to laugh.

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