4th year - Chapter 51

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I was sitting on a bench in the goblet room watching as some students were putting their names in for a chance at eternal glory. I was with Hermione who was reading a book and Bekki who was holding Caleb, she barely takes her eyes off of him which I think is quite cute.

There was some clapping as I seen Cedric walking in with a slip of paper in his hand, of course my brothers were with him and encouraging him. He looked over at me and I put on my best smile and threw my thumbs up trying to be encouraging. In reality I’m absolutely terrified, I already tried to speak to him about it but he was adamant about doing it, I know it’s because he wants to impress his dad but I just wish there was another way. I managed to convince Alec not to do it and Connor wasn’t old enough yet so I was grateful for that. He put it in and there were applauses as they were walking out. I let out my breath and put my head in my hands, I felt Hermione’s hand running up and down my back but before anyone could say anything there were cheers and applause.

I looked up to see the twins running in with the potions in their hand.
“You know they roped me into helping them with that. Even though I told them there was no way it would work” I said to the two girls who were sat beside me.
Before any of them could reply the twins started speaking “Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it.” George said

“cooked it up this morning” I cleared my throat loudly and they looked over at me and smiled “with Miss Davis’s help of course” Fred shot me a wink and I just rolled my eyes.

“It's not going to work.” Hermione said in a sing-song voice

“Oh yeah? And why's that Granger.” Fred asked Hermione as the twins came over. Apparently we were in their way because Fred picked me up and put me on his lap while George done the same to Bekki. We both laughed and let the 3 have their conversation although I was a bit distracted with Fred’s hand on my waist, subconsciously drawing circles. The risky thing about this situation is my skirt, it’s kind of not covering my ass because it blew up when he picked me up. Bekki seemed fine, lucky bitch.

“You see this?” Hermione asked and gestured to the line around the goblet “This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself.”

“So?” Fred asked

“So” I interrupted looking at Fred who looked straight back at me with a small smile on his face “a genius like Dumbledore couldn't
possibly be fooled by something pathetically dim-witted such as an age potion and I already told you guys it wasn’t going to work”

“That's why it's so brilliant.” George started
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” Fred finished. They both stood up and it gave me a chance to fix my skirt and it seemed Fred noticed because he smirked down at me as he stood with George.

“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George?”
They linked arms and looked at each other “Bottoms up” they said in unison before downing the potion. They jumped inside the age line, and cheer. They put their names in the flame and do a high five. It seemed to work and my face dropped but before I could do anything the flame fires up and flung them across the room onto the floor. I ran over to see if they were okay and when they sat up they have full heads of grey hair and beards. Bekki came over with Caleb still in her arms and started laughing. I took Caleb back and walked over to sit with Hermione.

I could hear them scuffling on the floor but it all ceases once the doors open again and in walk Victor Krum along with Ivar and the 2 brothers from the other day. Krum puts his name in and I clap politely but something caught my eye. He looked at Hermione and smiled before walking away. I looked over to see her looking down at her book and smiling.

“What was that?” I asked her. She just shrugged her shoulders and I decided to drop it and I would ask her later.


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