3rd year - Chapter 42

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June 11th 1994

It turns out I never got as much sleep as I hoped. I woke up around 12 to a pain in my stomach. Of course I knew what it was and began panicking immediately. What if I wasn't ready, I don't think I am.

Before I could panic and think anymore the pain subsided for now. Knowing poppy slept in her office close by since I arrived in the hospital wing, I got up and made my way over.

I felt bad for waking her up but I kind of needed to.
I walked over and knocked on the door lightly. I heard stirring and waited a few seconds before she opened the door and seen me standing there.

"I think it's happening" was all I sadi for her to get into midwife mode. She was helping me back over to the bed when I got another small pain in my stomach. What accompanied it was a trickle of liquid falling down my leg.
I let out a small yuck sound and poppy laughed before helping me in bed.

She gave me a long nightdress to put on so it was easier when the time came and then she was off to do god knows what.

Its currently 3:30 in the morning and I've been having contractions for 3 hours. I was in the middle of trying to get through another one when the doors opened and I seen Mrs Weasley coming around the curtain.

"Oh thank merlin" I said and let out a breath as she came over and kissed my head.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me with a small smile on her lips. She took a cold cloth and dabbed my head to cool me down.

"Oh I'm just peachy. Not in pain at all" she just laughed and began to help poppy out.

Mrs Weasley owled my Dad and now him and my brothers are waiting outside. I think there are other people there but I'm not sure.

Luckily no one was in the hospital wing so I had complete privacy.

By 5 in the morning I had barley progressed and was only 1cm dilated, it was beginning to irritate me because I just wanted this over with.

By 6 o'clock I was 3cm dilated.

By 7 o'clock I was 5cm dilated.

Mrs Weasley kept going out to update my dad and brothers on what was happening and when she came back in at 8 from telling them I was 7cm dilated it turns out Bekki, Hermione and the twins were there. Ron, Ginny and harry came by but they had went to breakfast since there was nothing they could do.

By 9 o'clock I was slowly getting there and finally reached 9cm.

It was now around half past 10 in the morning and poppy told me that it was time to start pushing.

It was painful, like merlin better be praying for me.

I was struggling a lot.
"C'mon Davina. One more big push for me" poppy told me.

"I can't do it" I was crying and exhausted at this point "I cant do it" I slumped back into the bed and eat out a sigh.

"Yes you can dear. Im right here, you hold my hand and you push with all your might. You want to meet that baby you push. Not long now" Mrs Weasley's words of encouragement seemed to do the trick.

I nodded at her and took her hand again before looking at poppy and I waited for a second to catch my breath before I began pushing.

The worst thing was getting the shoulders out and with one last strained scream I pushed with all my might and my baby was here.

I could hear them crying. It was okay. We're all okay. I heard clapping and whopping from outside so they must have heard the baby crying.

"Congratulations Davina, you've got yourself a beautiful baby boy" poppy told me holding him up for me to see him.

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