Summer - Chapter 45

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The game was amazing and Ireland won obviously. After the game we were all in your tent celebrating and laughing and making fun of Ron for his man crush on Victor Krum when we heard noises outside the tent. Fred said something about the Irish getting their pride on when my dad and Mr Weasley went outside and check it out, they came running back in with their wands out telling us all to leave immediately. My dad told Alec, Connor and me to stick together and get back to the port key and wait for them there.
"I love you dad" I said as he pulled me and my brothers in for a hug.
"I love you too, all of you. Till the cows come home" he says while pulling away from our group hug and then he leaves with Mitchell to help control whatever as going on.

Alec grabs mine and Connor’s hand and pulls us away. As we were running I looked behind me and seen a group of people in dark cloaks with pointed hoods and weird looking masks setting fire to tents and torturing people.

Too busy looking behind me, I didn't notice that a hoard of terrified people came running into me and my brother separating us. Without seeing him I just shouted,
"Alec, Connor go on I'll catch up" standing to my feet I seen them hesitate but they go anyway.

I started to run but didn't get very far before running into the same hooded figures.
One of them raised their wands to me and suddenly I was on the floor writhing in pain, it felt like my insides were burning it disn’t stop, whoever it was, was relentless. I couldn't handle it anymore and just let out an agonising scream and it continued until everything went black and I was hoping I had just died but unfortunately no.

Connor's P.O.V

As dad and Mitchel left Alec grabbed mine and Davina's hand and pulled us in the opposite direction. I felt her lagging a little and as I turned to look at her as hordes of people came running towards us and knocking us apart.

"Alec, Connor go on I'll catch up" Davina  shouted to us, hesitating a little we ran to the hill and towards the port key where everyone would be but before I was even close I heard someone scream, such an agonising scream pierced my ears and I knew it was hers. My baby sister. Something happened. Without hesitating I ran back towards her with Alec following as we rounded a tent I seen a group of hooded figures, through them I seen Davina on the floor. She wasn't moving anymore, without thinking I jumped out shouting,
"NOO, Davina. STOP, please" my voice cracked and trailed off as my voice broke through the tears. One of the figures turned to me and started to lift their wand, I went for mine as well but was too slow and a spell hit me square in the chest and sent me flying backwards and knocking me unconscious before doing the same to my brother I assume.

Davina’s P.O.V

I finally woke up. I’m not where I last remember though. I remember screaming on the ground at the world cup but now I’m in a dark room. I’m assuming it’s a basement or a dungeon of some sort, all I can see in the darkness is concrete walls and metal bars. I can’t even see outside.

I sat up and tried to figure out if I could get out. All I could see was walls and I had no idea where the door led to so I didn’t move in case whoever took me came and killed me, honestly that would be better than this.

It’s now been about a week and a half since been here, I think, most of the time I just think about how I could get out but I’m too weak and the hope slowly fades. Right on cue someone comes down into the room and opens the door, it’s not the same cloaks and masks from the game and the same person torturing me every time. This person is smaller and more feminine? Not knowing if they are going to torture me again I tried to move but being physically and mentally exhausted I didn't get very far. The woman comes forward, I can’t see her face or anything. She holds onto my arm gently and I’m suddenly twisting and turning and feel like I’m floating until I land on the ground in some water and a small grass mound.

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