Summer - Chapter 44

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(Let's just pretend the world Cup took place 1 month before Hogwarts started back up, so the start of August instead of the end)

Since my dad works for the ministry he managed to get tickets so he is taking me and my brothers. i were really excited and owled the Weasley's straight away and they informed me that they were also going and that we were all sharing a tent. I was kind of sad that Uncle Sirius couldn’t come but he said he was okay about it.

Me, my dad and brothers had to wake up extra early on the day of the world cup because molly said she would watch Caleb while we were all at the game. So we were there before the Weasley kids woke up. I asked molly if you could wake them up and she said yes.

Before I went up I grabbed 2 cups of water and ran upstairs to the twin’s room. I stood there and tried not to laugh, George was half on the bed and half off. Fed had curled up into a small ball as possible because his covers were now on the floor.
I stood in between the beds and dumped the water on them and shouted “GOOD MORNING”. As loud as I could.

They both shot up and glared at me. I ended up running into the bathroom and locking it behind me so they couldn’t get in, they kept pounding on the door until I heard Ginny outside,
“Oi you gits, move” I heard them trudge back to their room to get ready. I said hello to Ginny and she got really excited since Caleb was downstairs and she ended up getting ready really quickly. Hermione was already up and trying to wake Ron and harry, it was taking a while so I decided to go down and feed Caleb before I had to leave.

“Hey molly where can I feed Caleb?” I was still breastfeeding him but also trying to get him on the bottle before school started and since he would be on the bottle all day, this morning would be a breastfeed. She told me to go into the living room and on the chair in the corner because it was out of view from the kitchen and she would keep everyone out the way. While feeding him I started to sing to him like I always do, once I was done I noticed that it was way to quiet so I cleaned up and sat Caleb on my leg leaning him forward and supported his neck while I burped him.

“If you guys want to come in you can, he’s done feeding” I said knowing that most of them were round the corner wanting to see him.

Molly came in and reminded us that we had to leave in an hour, Ginny got excited because it meant enough time for some baby cuddles. She held him for a while before Fred came in
“oh yay” he said clapping his hands together “my turn” it made me laugh a little because it was such a wholesome gesture and I’d never seen him like that before, it was quite sweet.

Soon enough everyone had a cuddle apart from Ron and Harry, they decided to skip the cuddle time because they were scared which of course caused Fred and George to make fun of them.
“Aw well, more cuddles for me” I said walking over and picking him up from Mitchell, Caleb took a liking to Mitchell really quickly and has been helping me a lot to calm him down.

I sat down on the chair and held him close, slowly swaying him to get him to sleep so it was easier for Molly when we all left. Once he was asleep I looked up and noticed that everyone had left apart from Fred. He just sat there staring at me. He looked nice and relaxed, his ankle of one leg resting on his knee of the other. His hand draped over it with the ring you got him and George at Christmas, his other hand resting over the back of the couch and he had a small smile on his face. I gave him a questioning look “what?” I asked. It seemed to break him out his daze because he shook his head and his smile got brighter as I looked up to meet his eye.

“Nothing, you just really suit being a mum” that’s all he said and then walked away. Thankfully he did because I felt heat rising to my cheeks and I could tell immediately that I was blushing.

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