Summer - Chapter 47

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Unfortunately because the Weasley’s are such nice accommodating people the guilt of them taking care of everything got to me and I decided to get out of bed the next morning and head downstairs to sit with them for breakfast.

Due to the weeks of me not eating or moving, the short 2 second trip from the room down the stairs took me 5 minutes and even then I still failed as I slipped on a step and tumbled down into the kitchen. I never realise how frail my body was, from being kidnapped and tortured for almost 2 weeks in some basement and then a week and a half of lying doing nothing my body was just skin and bones now meaning, they are weak and I just more than likely broke something and I believed it as the pain radiated from my foot up to my knee.

Alec, Connor and Mrs Weasley came running over to help me but I couldn't stand on my right foot without screaming in pain. Alec and Connor helped me to an empty chair at the end of the table and sat me down. I leaned back expecting to feel the hard chair but what I fell against was soft, turning round it turns out I was leaning against Fred.

"Comfy Davis?" He says while smirking at me. Instead of being my awkward self I just lean back further.

"Yeah, problem?" I shoot him a glare and he just puts his hands up in defence. I Laughed a little but winced in pain and turned around to see molly examining my leg,

"Bad news is that you've broke your ankle and fibula, this bone here," she says as she points at my now really swollen leg, I grimaced in pain as she pulled away.

"Fortunately I can fix it but I'll have to do it without magic, you’re too weak for it so you'll have a cast for a while," she says while looking back up at me. I groan and lean my head back on Fred’s shoulder. "C’mon Davis it’s not that bad, you'll only have it on at school for about a week or 2" he says.

"Unfortunately I'm not too sure about that. I'll owl poppy so she can keep an eye on it while you’re at school and she can take it off when it’s ready" molly says as she stands
"Fred bring her through to the living room and lay her in the couch," she starts giving orders to everyone.

"On it" Fred says

"Ginny, Hermione. I need you to get me some things from upstairs, Ginny you know where my bag is" she continues as she rattled off a list to them

"Yes mum" Ginny says as her and Hermione head up the stairs.

"Alec, Connor you might want to sit with her cause it’s going to be painful" she says

"Of course" they says with no doubt.

"The rest of you clear the table and do the chores please and George owl your father and tell him to tell Mitchell what has happened" she says.

I was now lying on the couch with my leg on the small table on top of some pillows, Mrs Weasley has all her things out and ready.

"Mrs Weasley, how come you know how to do all this?" I asked her.

"Well in the wizarding war, I helped the nurses heal the people who fought and I raised 6 boys so that also helps" she smiles at me "this will hurt dear so I'm sorry in advance"

She starts to fix up my leg up and it feels like it takes forever I grabbed whoever’s hand was closer and squeezed it. I ended up biting down so hard I made my tongue bleed a little but then finally after what felt like ages, it’s all over. I now have a lovely cast from my foot to above my knee.

"I made it bigger because I can't actually see the damage so I thought better safe than sorry" she explains.

I was totally exhausted and I began feeling really drowsy and my vision stared to go fuzzy
"Thank you mum" I whispered before my vision goes completely dark.

Molly’s P.OV.

“Did she just call you mum?” I heard Alex ask me just after Davina passed out.

“Yes, I guess she did. Okay right let’s leave her to rest I need to speak to you all” they boys nodded and went to gather everyone into the kitchen.

“Okay now I need you promise to watch over Davina this year.” I told them. Im really worried about her, she’s been through so much for a young girl.

“We will” Harry spoke form down the table. I nodded at him so he knew I heard him.

“There is also something that I think you should all know” I needed to tell them this. They did deserve to know and I think it is for the best.

“What is it mum?” Ginny asked.

“At Christmas when she found out her real father. Mitchel told me and your father something. We were promised not to tell her and I think you should all know so you can look out for her properly.” It really was for the best.

“What is it? Is she okay?” I could hear the panic in the twins’ voice.

“Yes dear she is” I think.

“Is it what our dad told us about before she was born?” Connor asked me.

“Possibly. As you know while Davina’s mother was pregnant with her she was still good friends with Severus and as you know that’s when you-know-who was still trying to gain power. Well Davina’s mother went to Severus for help and protection. He had made several potions for her to take. We aren’t sure if they all worked but we know something happened.” It is for the best, they need to look after her.

“You’re talking about when we told her about William aren’t you? All the things in the room, the star-” Fred said but I interrupted him.

“Yes they started floating. Now Dumbledore believes that it happened because of a mix of all the potions and they haven’t presented themselves now because it is all linked with her emotions. Which is why I need you to make sure she stays calm as possible we can’t have her exposing herself before we figure out what it is”
“We will always keep her safe” Ron and Harry said at the same tie. They looked at each other and smile little bit.

“Will Caleb have these, what are they powers?” Alec asked.

“I’m not sure but he needs kept an eye on as well, I know Davina loves him a lot but with everything that has happened she might slip up and become forgetful or disorientated.” She already has and I know it’s not her fault so everyone needs to help her.

“Is it a good idea that she goes back a week earlier to school if we aren’t here?” Connor asked.

“Freddie and I are going with her, we have stuff to do. Professor McGonagall already cleared it.” I nodded at the boys before I sent everyone away to do their own thing.

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