Summer - Chapter 46

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It turns out I got back in time for my father’s funeral. It gave me a chance to say goodbye not that I wanted to but it had to be done. A lot of people came to the funeral. I seen a lot of ministry workers. Some professors from the school was there, I even seen Minnie crying. Uncle Lupin stood with Uncle Sirius although he was in dog form. Cedric and his family stood near us. There were all my friends and my brothers friends. The Weasley’s. Bekki and her family. Cho and her mum. Lots of my dads friends form school and other people I didn’t recognize to pay their respects.

Mitchell spoke at the funeral and I was asked to sing something, I tried really hard but eventually just choked and ended up crying. As the casket lowered there was a recording playing that was took the last week you were in the UK before we left for America, it was my dad and brothers reading a bedtime story. I remembered that story because it was read every night and as the recording came to an end I heard my dad’s voice one last time,
"Goodnight, I love you all until the cows come home"
And that was it his casket was in the ground and I was on the ground above crying my heart out holding the things I wanted to bury with him, it was a scrap book I had made with a bunch of pictures and little notes of our families adventures over the years, I made sure to include only our dad and brothers to keep it special and I made a copy so we all had one as well, this would be the last thing I shared with him.

Knowing that its tradition to put the things inside the coffin we wanted to be unique and we knew our dad would like it so leaning down I dropped the book on top of the coffin as my brothers dropped in other things, one of his favourite muggle band cd, some old pictures, letters we had all written to say goodbye to try and find peace and some other things. After everyone had paid their respects and left, it was only my brothers, the Weasley's and Uncle Lupin and Uncle Sirius left. I stood there as Mr Weasley made a headstone at the top of his grave and I watched as Mitchell carved into it with magic.

"Here lies William Graham Davis

13th May 1951 - 2nd August 1994

An amazing father and friend

Forever loved until the cows come home"

Looking at it I knew it was missing something so I took out my wand and in the corner added a family photo of us all from the previous Christmas and then I added flowers down in front of the headstone.


The next couple weeks got worse, I didn't leave the bed I was in unless it was for Caleb or I needed the toilet and even then that was very little, things finally caught up with me in my mind and now everything was heart breaking, hearing the laughter of the family downstairs and the chatter that travels through the house. Reminding me how that will never be us again with your dad, I will never hear him say until the cows come home, I will never get to see his face again, I won't get to hug him, kiss him, and it just hurts so much.

Mitchell owled our mum telling her what happened but she never sent anything back. Not that it surprised us but it still hurt to know our mum didn't care about anything other than herself and Shannon.

Many times people come into my room, mainly my brothers, Molly, Ginny and Fred to keep me company or offer me food and try and get me to eat. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to lie there forever and cuddle with Caleb. I tried so many times to get better for him but it was so difficult.

One night Molly came in and says that Ginny and Hermione were going to come and help clean me up so I can feel a bit better, as usual whenever someone came in my room I didn’t say anything. Molly looked crestfallen and heartbroken looking at me and if I was in my right state of mind it may have evoked some emotion but it didn't.

After about half an hour Ginny and Hermione came in telling me they had ran me a bubble bath and that they would put out comfy jammies for me and change the bed sheets. I heard them but still said nothing. They shared a known look between them and they both kneeled down to be eye level with me, looking at them they still seem worried as they had been before but it also seems like they were over it all.
"Do you want help in the bath?" Hermione asked, again I didn’t say anything and if it wasn't for the fact I nodded I could been passed off as dead which I wouldn't mind.

They helped me up and out the bed, steadying me and walking to the bathroom. I never dared look in a mirror since the Quidditch world Cup and it wasn't until I entered the bathroom and looked up.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror but it wasn't me staring back it was some thin, frail, distraught little girl, she looked nothing like me. Her hair was so dull and in a tangled, messy bun and her face was sunken in, she looked like a corpse and it was revolting. My eyes travelled down further and there was no colour to my flesh anymore and no plumpness, just a corpse looking back at me. I seen almost everyone bone on my body.
The scars on my body from everything that happened last year seemed prominent as ever.

It disgusted me.

I tore my eyes away from the mirror as a tear fell. Hermione and Ginny left me myself to get into the bath with privacy. Couple minutes later Ginny knocked and slowly opened the door, seeing I was in the bath hugging my knees her and hermione came in. Ginny sat on the toilet while Hermione sat on a stool next to the bath.

Ginny took my hair down and started brushing it, since it was tuggy it wasn't the easiest but she was so gentle and it made me so thankful to have friends like these. In my thoughts of friends, one did come to mind. Bekki. Frowning I looked up at Hermione.

"Does Bekki know?" She must have been as startled by my voice as I was, it was hoarse and quiet and it’s the first time I've spoken in weeks.
"She does yes. She was at the funeral and she came by a few times but you were always sleeping" Ginny informed me.
"Don't you remember? We told you and she's not the only one who visited" Hermione says

I thought back to being in my pitiful state and remembering the first week. I blocked out all the noise and I don't actually remember anything from it at all shaking my head and giving her a quizzical look she explained that many people came to see me. Cedric and his family, Cho and her mother also came, as well as lots of ministry workers but they had all been told that I wasn't doing well so they never actually came up and seen me apart from Bekki.

After the bath I did feel a bit better and as I walked back to the room holding my towel and with help from my 2 friends hobbling along the corridor, Ron had come up the stairs just as we were passing them. Instantly his eyes fell on me and widened in shock, whether it was because of how thin and frail I'd become or because I was actually out of bed I did not know but I didn't want to find out. Letting go of the 2 girls I held on to banister of the stairs and walked into the room.

I got in and seen fresh sheets and my shorts and crop top lying out. I supposed it did feel good to be clean and have clean clothes but that didn't mean I was ready to go full into everything and speak to everyone just yet, maybe tomorrow.

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