Summer - Chapter 19

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⚠️Rape/Sexual assault⚠️

I was waiting for the night bus to pick me up outside my house and take me to the leaky cauldron where I was meeting up with Alec and Connor, the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione.

Bekki was meeting us all at the train station on the first day back.
My brothers were there early because they had stayed at Cedric's the last few nights before they had to go back and get stuff for school so I was taking the bus by myself as my dad and Mitchell were called into work before my dad could take me there. I've been on it before with Alec and Connor but this was a first time alone.

The weasleys recently got back from Egypt and Molly said that me and Ginny would both go to diagon alley to get our school books since she didn't get them earlier.

It wasn't that late at night, roughly around dinner time so I could still spend time with my friends before bed. As the night bus pulled up out side my house, I was helped on by Stan shunpike. He's not a friendly man I'd say but he's better than most. It always amazed me when I seen the bus and how it was even more amazing on how oblivious muggle's were.

I got my ticket and stood at the window holding onto the hand rail, looking as the houses whizzed by. I didn't bother taking a seat because it wasn't long between my house and the leaky cauldron. As the bus slowed down passing muggle cars lots of the beds moved and I looked over to see an older man sitting up and staring at me with a sly grin on his lips.

Feeling uncomfortable I looked away and glanced at stan without trying to be to obvious hoping he had seen it or noticed me but he was too busy reading the daily prophet. I noticed that someone had escaped from azkaban but couldn't see who. It was intriguing because they'd be the first to do it.

Finally after the nauseating feeling of the bus ride I was now getting off the bus to walk over the the leaky cauldron. When I was about to lift my trunk up somewhen else had gotten for me, thinking it was Stan I hesitated but looked behind to see that the bus was already gone from sight and the only person there was the man from earlier,
"I got it little miss" he says in a gruff voice staring at me with that same smirk on his face, feeling uncomfortable I tried to grab it back but before I could he looked around, grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alleyway across the street from my destination.

I tried screaming for help i really did but he just kept his hand over my mouth as he dragged me. Biting his hand didn't work either, he just held tighter making me wince in pain. He finally let go but it was too late his wand was already drawn and pointing to my throat. He muttered something under his breath and I opened my mouth to say something to try and protest but no sound came out and it was terrifying me.

He dropped my case just outside the alleyway and dragged me further in and threw me hard against a brick wall and started to kiss down my neck.

It was disgusting, I felt disgusted I couldn't scream so I tried to push him off. Although I had grew and developed more over the summer I still wasn't strong enough and he just held me there, his disgusting scabbed hands gripped on my small wrists so tight I knew they would brusie.

He kept moving his chapped lips against my own but I refused to give in, it made him livid as he threw me back against the wall harder, I felt an immense pain in my head before I dazed out.

After what felt like hours it was over and he left me there, jumper around my collarbone with my sports bra exposed, jeans down around my ankles and my pants seemingly no where to be seen.

I pulled my jeans up. Sliding down the wall tears streaming down my face, I shook so violently I started to feel sick. I started to get my sound back and began to sob, it was so loud I was surprised no one heard me. I wasn't sure how long I sat there for but I didn't care, the ground was dirty and I thought to myself 'i deserve this. I belong on this floor, I could have stopped him' This is what went through my head for the next hour. I tried to get up because I knew people would be wondering where I was but I didn't want to leave the low place I belonged to now.


I eventually sat inspecting my body and seen bruise marks on my wrists from where he held me tight and scratches from when I tried to get away and the marks his mouth left on my body, trailing from my jaw all the way down past my bra. I couldn't look at myself any longer.

I got up and slowly made my way out the alley with support from the wall, grabbing my trunk I tried to carry it over the street which proved difficult since all I felt was weak and disgusting and shameful.

10 minutes later I was finally in my room and on my bed hugging my knees. Still feeling dirty I managed to get up and turn the shower on, making sure it was hot enough to burn away the disgusting feeling that was myself.

I thought back to what happened and broke down again. Trying to make my cries quiet so no one heard me as I went to the shower.

I didn't bother stripping, I just sat at the bottom of the shower hugging my knees, pulling the jumper sleeves closer and began sobbing loudly. I wasn't there for long before someone came bursting in my room, not realising anyone was there I just kept crying until the bathroom door was flung open, pausing with my sobs for a second I looked up and seen the twins concerned faces and that only made me sob more.

Panicking they came over and tried to help me out, George immediately went to turn off the shower burning himself in the process as Fred touched my arm to try and help me out. The contact even though it was from someone I knew would never hurt me was still touch, quickly backing away as far back as I could which resulted in me scrambling up the wall before sliding back down and hugging my knees
"DONT TOUCH ME, DONT DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN, ANYONE" I shouted taking the twins by surprise, they shared a glance and they knew what to do.

As George left I sobbed louder into my wet clothes knowing people were going to find out and I would look and feel weak. My long hair fell and clung to my face that was now covered in tears, water and I'm pretty sure snots as well, before feeling someone's hand on my shoulder I flinched and croaked out "please, not again" before looking up and seeing Molly giving me a confused look.

Seeing the one person who was like a mother to me only made it worse and I tried to speak but it was incoherent through my sobs.

Bursting through the door came Alec and Connor, the rest of the wealsey gang, harry and hermione. Harry now being like a brother to me and not knowing what was happening came over to me and reached out. Pancking I sobbed and backed up again "NO, NO PLEASE DONT"
He looked confused as he drew back his hand. Everyone just looked at me as if I were a broken China doll. This went on for a while, the only person who even got close to me was molly and even then it was only a hand on my shoulder and it was too much at one point and I began to panic and hyperventilate causing me to have a panic attack which would be the first of many.

Terified of what was happening only made the panic attack worse, it felt like my lungs were filled with water and every breath I tried to draw in only constricted my lungs more until I couldn't breath. Luckily molly managed to calm me down and began to talk
"Come dear, let's get you into your bed" I just shook my head.

Without having the warmth of the shower amymore I started to shiver and Alec gave molly a blanket which she dropped round me a while ago but the effects were wearing off.

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