3rd year - Chapter 25

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It’s been around a week since the issue with Draco. No one has talked about it but Davina knows they are curious, I mean how could they not be. The Slytherin prince and a Gryffindor dating during the summer without anyone knowing, it’s almost scandalous.

With everyone secretly discussing that or working hard on their homework or focusing on the Sirius black situation the week quickly came and gone.

Davina was now in her uncle Lupin’s class standing in a line to fight off the boggart. Neville had went first and it was safe to say that one was funny but Ron’s was the funniest, once he shouted ‘riddikulus’ at the boggart everyone started laughing as they watched the spider slide around on the skates.
Davina was after one of the Patil twins and hers was a large snake, she changed it into a jack – in – the – box. That was still terrifying but apparently not to the twin.

Davina was nervous to see what it was, there were many possibilities on what it could be but one was the most terrifying, she was just hoping that it never came up.
As she stood in front of the jack - in -the - box watching it swing back and forth, it started to twist and turn before it eventually stopped in front of her.

The same smirk that has plagued so many of her nightmares for the past month sat there, upon that man’s face. He started walking towards her,
“I was hoping I’d see you again, you were so good” that smirk not leaving his face. Davina heard whispers behind her but couldn’t make out what they were saying, she was frozen on the spot as the man got closer, her hearing became a ring in her ears, her breathing ragged. Her stomach twisting and turning, making her nauseous.

Before he could get any closer someone stood in front of Davina to face the man, it twisted and turned into the image of a full moon hiding behind the clouds.

Without looking back at anyone she just ran out of the classroom as she heard the shouting of her uncle Lupin and her friends.

Since it was still the middle of lessons the corridors were silent and empty which made it easier for her to get up to her room.

Thoughts plagued Davina's head, people would definitely know what happened now and she was sure that Slytherin’s would tell everyone.
The paper had the description of the man and a brief description of what happened and it wouldn’t be too hard to put 2 and 2 together.

She finally made her way up to the portrait hole. She said the password as she was nearing so she didn't have to stop, it swung open and she ran all the way to her room closing the door behind her.

Pacing the room trying to calm her thoughts from spiralling, this didn’t manage to work so she headed to the bathroom to go and splash some water on her face.

Walking in she leaned her hands on the edge of the sink staring into the basin. She looked up into the mirror to see a disturbing sight, she never actually looked at herself in a while. Her face was slimmed down and sunken in, her hair was dull and looked matted, her skin was dull and paler than usual, her eyes were bloodshot and had deep red bags underneath.

Studying herself for a second, she have never looked worse and it disturbed her, how could one thing change a person so much.

Davin looked back down to stare into the sink only to notice the scars that peaked through her robe sleeve, they hadn’t faded that much even though it had been a long while. 

A glint of silver caught the girls attention out of the corner of her eye, over on the shelf next to the sink sat a razor, pulling her thoughts away she tried to ignore it and the thoughts in her head but then there was that voice again
‘just a little bit c’mon’ it was quiet but started to repeat itself again and again getting louder and louder until it got too much.

Davina screwed up her face in pain and clutched her ears before she took the blade out and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

The one and only thought running through her head,
‘I’m weak, there is no other way’ that’s all it took.

She took some deep breaths and pulled her skirt up past her scars, pulling further up she seen the still deep purple bruises that were left there that night, it sickened her and made her really ill, she really wanted to throw up but she pushed it back. The sickening feeling soon turned to anger.

Davina found herself angry at the man and what he did and then it soon turned to being angry at the fact she let it happen and basically did nothing. She always believed it was her fault.

She felt weak and that angered her even more. In a rage filled state she took the blade and slashed at her legs hoping to cover the marks with her own.

She watched as the crimson red blood slowly escape all the small gashes in her thighs. The pain felt good, it was a new pain not one of emotions but of actual physical pain but it wasn’t enough.
She tried again and again until her legs looked like a chopping block but it still wasn’t enough.

The one thought that went through her head was the only solution she thought to herself. People would be upset and angry but they would need to understand and move on with their lifes. They cant let them – or more precisely Davina hold them back.

This was for the best.

Taking a deep breath she began to pull her robe off of her body and discarded it to the side of her.

Looking down at her wrists, intentions clear on what to do. She slowly and shakily brought the blood covered blade to her wrist watching the many blue veins run from her hand and disappear under the skin of her arm, she put the blade on the biggest one she seen.

Digging deep down into the pale skin she winced 7n pain and satisfaction as she watched as the blood pooled on her wrist before slowly dragging down with more pressure and stopping half way before she reached her elbow.

Hands shaking she wrapped the blade into the weaker one. Even shakier than the last time she put the blade to her wrist and done the same, digging down but not as deep much to her dismay as the blood from her other wrist began to flow more at the pressure, dragging down and releasing the blood that begged so long to escape.

She dropped the blade onto the floor with a small clink. She leaned back against the wall breathing heavily as she watched her life flow out of her as a thick red liquid.

Feeling at peace she let out a small shaky breath with one final thought.

‘I will see them all again eventually’

she watched the pool of her blood get bigger as her life slowly slipped away. A sense of relief washed over Davina as she closed her eyes and let the darkness take over.

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