3rd Year - Chapter 40

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Back at Hogwarts

One day sitting at black lake alone after a long day. We’ve been back at Hogwarts for about 2 weeks now and everything is back to normal I suppose. I still meet up with Poppy once a week and now she is taking extra care and checking on me more since the incident. I’m still meeting with uncle Remus for a catch up, I told him about Severus and as much as I know he doesn’t like the man he kept his feelings neutral for my sake. My brothers are also joining in our meetings and it’s been really fun.

I was sitting with the potions book that I got from Snape at Christmas after I was told everything. I liked sitting at my little tree. I gives me time to think about everything, I’m sure people know where I go but they don’t come down and disrupt me which I am thankful for.

I looked up out to the black lake and seen the calm waters shining in the sunlight. I was going to go back to my book but I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and seen a large scruffy black dog. It seemed to notice that I had seen it and went to go but I wanted it to come closer, something about it seemed familiar. I was also kind of cute.

I put my book down on the grass beside me and got up onto my knees and slowly held my hands out as a way to hopefully communicate that I meant no harm. It looked at me curiously and I continued. I slowly went to stand up hoping not to scare it but it decided to come to me. It started trotting over slowly but once it got out of the woods and into the light it got faster until it was right in front of me.

I slowly sat back down against the tree and it moved to sit next to me. Looking straight at me it tilted its head, it was really cute. I laughed a little but when I was looking at it I couldn't help shift the feeling of familiarity with it.

I looked around to see if anyone was there because I didn't want to seem crazy about to talk to a dog thinking it could answer me back.
"Hi, are you nice?" I asked it like it could answer me back. I help my hand out to see if it was gentle and it started to lick my hand before lying down. It placed its head on its paws and just look so cute.

"Awww, it might be pregnancy hormones or whatever but you seem so cute" once I said that it immediately sat back up and tilted it's head again, I laughed a little and put my hand on my bump that was starting to become more prominent.

The dog started to wag its tail excitedly but then stopped after a second and it looked like he was thinking. It flopped back down and let out a small whine.

I looked at it curiously and it kept looking like it was thinking about something deeply. It looked around like I did earlier and I couldn't help but look around. There was no one around at all, they would be back in their common rooms.

It looked back at me and right in front of my eyes shifted into a person. I was completely shocked and couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my lips,
"Holy shit, you’re an animagus" I said pointing to him. I knew who he was but it didn't click in my brain I was too busy marvelling over the fact I just watched an animagus transform in front of my eyes and it was really fucking cool.

He looked at me with shook written across his face until he let out a small laugh,
"You’re not scared of me?" He asked still laughing in disbelief.

"Why woul-" That’s when I came out my shock and realized who I was talking to.
"Omg, your Sirius black" he nodded still staring at me in disbelief. I knew I should be scared but for some reason I felt safe.

"You’re not scared?" He asked again.

"Should I be? You going to kill me?" I mocked putting my hands up in fake surrender. He seems to relax at this and let out another laugh but a genuine laugh.

"If I'm not mistaken your Davina Davis correct?" It shocked me that he knew that but then I remembered the article in the paper with my identity.

"Yeah, suppose you know that from the paper" I said and looked down at my lap sadly wanting to forget about that part of my life.

"No, I mean yes I seen it but that's not how I know you" he said sitting back down to get comfortable.

I looked up at him confused and he let out a sigh
"I was friends with your father, and your godfather Remus and Harry's dad James. We were really good friends actually" he said sadly, like me he looked down.

"How did you know my dad? Did you meet him at school?" I asked him because I was now very interested since my father did not mention that he was once friends with the supposed mass murderer.

"Yeah, he was older than us, treated us like little brothers. Tried to keep us in line but that was difficult since created a lot more havoc than us" he laughed sadly obviously remembering the good times. "Aren't you going to ask why I'm not going to kill you?"

I thought about it for a moment,
"No, if you wanted to you would have done it already.” I state obviously “How did you know me?"

"I used to baby sit you and your brothers with Remus. I was your favourite, well I convinced myself I was" he said with another little laugh.

"You were probably right, you seem like fun." We sat there for a moment in silence before something clicked in my head,
"You attacked that man, the man that attacked me that dog was you" I said raising my voice and pointing my finger at him.

He seemed taken aback by this and immediately went to speak up but I beat him to it,
"I'm not angry I'm grateful actually, he deserved worse believe me"

"Yeah I seen it in the paper one day that someone had been attacked and while I was here I seen you and your friends sitting down here and I overheard you talking about it and it angered me so I went looking for him. I never got a chance to protect you all so I felt it was right to try and inflict some pain" he said in a low voice.

I must have caught him off guard when I threw my arms around him but I was really grateful for what he did. He wrapped his arms around me for a couple seconds before I pulled back.

"Are you happy with" he gestured to my belly.

"I'm happy about the baby yes, but I'd rather not be a teen mum but what can you do" I held my small stomach with a smile on my face. "Is it true? What they say. You killed people?" I looked up at him.

He let out a big sigh before looking back up at me "no its not, it's a long story"

"I've got time"

And so he told me all of it, his friendship with everyone. How he grew close to my dad, uncle Remus, James and a man called peter. Also About how you-know-who was after the potters and the secret keeper switch and then the drama and the framing and then explained about a rat and that he’s been like that ever since.

“Holy shit” was all I could say once he was done.

“You swear so much a sailor would blush” he said laughing.

“It’s just a part of my charm” I flipped my hair over my shoulder and stuck my head up smugly nad let out a laugh and he joined in.  “I can meet you hear once a week if you like and bring you something to eat and drink. I’m sure I can get a blanket for you as well.”

“I would appreciate that. Thank you. You should get back before dinner. Ill speak to you another time Davina”

He helped me stand up and I pulled him into a hug “goodbye uncle Sirius’” I said in his ear. It seemed to shock him but he ended up smiling as I walked away to the great hall for dinner.

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