3rd year - Chapter 38

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Yesterday was a good day. After we all settled down we got really tired so dinner was made and then we all just decided to go to bed.

When I woke up this morning something felt different. Well it only felt different with one person, my dad. He seemed to keep getting lost in thought for some reason. He was doing it all through breakfast. I had decided to speak to him about it because he wasn’t his usual bubbly self.

I walked up to him since he was away from everyone “hey dad are you oaky? I asked him pulling him out his thoughts when I put my hand on his arm.

He tried his best to give me a reassuring smile but it didn’t work and he knew that. My whole life I’ve always had a knack for telling when something is wrong or if people are in distress. That’s how I found out about Bekki’s parents, she didn’t want to tell me because it was just after I had woken up after the incident but I kept bugging her until she told me.

My father just sighed and looked around the room at everyone trying to avoid my eye.
“Dad what is it? What’s wrong? Your kind of scaring me” I let out a nervous laugh and he finally met my eye.

I could see he was keeping something from me and I could see the small tears working their way to the corner of his bright blue eyes. The same as Connor’s. My Dad and Connor have the same blue eyes with small golden flecks, it always remind me of the sun just starting to set on a bright blue sky. Mitchel, Alec and I share our mother’s eyes. Very similar blue but we don’t have the golden flecks but we have the dark blue ring around almost making sure that none of the beautiful blue escape. 

He stands up and holds my hand leading me out and into the hall. He hesitates before taking me into his office. I know it’s serious because we aren’t meant to be in his office even if he is in there.

I’ve only been in once and it’s just like I remember it. Tall bookshelves filled to the brim with a different variety of books. The big oak table with a large leather chair facing the door. The papers that are usually askew on the desk have been stacked neatly in the corner basket. A coat rack stands in the corner with my father’s winter jacket. The curtain of the big room open and looking out onto the large vast forest. The same one I get from my window but looking at it now it's fascinating.

In my room all I see are the leaves and the tops of trees but down here you can see in past all the trunks to the wildlife throughout it. It is truly a sight to see.

He takes a seat on the edge of his desk and crosses his arms looking a lot like uncle lupin when he does it in class, it makes me smile a bit but then I remebr what we came in here for. Or well I remember that he has to tell me something.

“Davina there is something I have been keeping from you” he says still not looking in my direction. I go to step closer but before I do there is a knock at t he door and my dad gestures for me to sit down on his large leather chair. I do as im told and get engulfed and I deffinetly look tiny in it.

My dad heads to the door and walks out closing it behind him. I can hear voices on the other side one being my dads and the other a being familiar. Im not waiting long at all and my father comes in with someone behind him. My dad steps his tall figure out of the way to reveal my potions professor.

Its safe to say that im shocked. I stand immediately “professor” I wished for it to sound like a greeting instead it sounded more like a question. A question of why the hell my potions professor is standing in the middle of my fathers office. He nods at me before my father gesutres for us both to sit.

“As I was saying, I have been keeping something from you pumpkin” my father says.

“oh please don’t tell me your dating my professor? Hosnetly its fine if you are.  I don’t care if you gay or anything like that but my professor?” I let out a shocked chuckle and I watch as my father and professor look at each other before they both start laughing. Well my father laughs Snape lets out a small chuckle and shakes his head.

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