3rd year - chaptet 32

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The day of the talent show I had woken up with a weird feeling of calmness, deciding to roll with it I decided to put more effort into my look today since all eyes would be on me when it was my turn.

I put on another pair of black skinny jeans except this time they had more rips, these jeans soon became my favourite. I had put on a nice black lacy bralette under my cropped jumper in case it managed to find its way higher which it usually does if I lift my hand and I put on my pair of black boots with rose embellishments.

My makeup was my usual black wing but I put on foundation today so my skin looked perfect. I also added a nice shimmer into the inner corner of my eye making my eyes look slightly bugger. I still decided to keep my hair out my face but I pleated my hair without using magic which meant using all my products and trying to find them took a while.

It was a Saturday so there were no classes and because I took a while getting ready I had missed  breakfast but having good friends they managed to sneak me up food which I happily accepted and wolfed down.

When I had entered the great hall I had noticed the professor's had magically made a stage where they normally sit for meals but there were now rows and rows of seat for students and professors.

I made my way to the behind the stage where everyone was waiting and managed to find one of the twins.

“Well don’t you look lovely Davis” Fred said looking me up and down.

“Thank you Frederick, I would say the same to you but my father told me not to lie, sooo” I retorted and laughed as the boy held his heart faking the heartbreak.

Soon we both laughed it off as George approached and complimented me as well.

The twins had went on and done an amazing job with their muggle magic act (Arthur would be so proud). They done the same bunny trick but I didn’t get to keep this once but to my displeasure. I watched as everyone went on and done their thing. The closer it came the more nervous I got.

The older girl from the audition who had danced done beautifully this time and got many rounds of applause, she had come backstage out of breath with a big grin on her face whishing me  good luck.

I hadn't looked out yet, I was behind the stage waiting for my turn and when it went silent I gripped the microphone I had been given and began to hit the first notes from behind the side of the stage.
I could hear the whispering of students wondering who it is so I took a breath and continue singing as I walked on stage the while instruments joined in.

This song was different from my audition song that one was fast paced but this has always been one of my favourite muggle songs ever since I had watched it in a movie with Bekki during the summer.

Once I was in the middle of the stage people were shocked and cheering for me which made me feel more at ease since people found out about the attack. I spotted my friends in the crowd and I could see the shocked expressions on their faces so I gave them a sly wink and it snapped them out of their daze.

I was hitting every note perfectly and the cheering got louder and before I knew it I was almost done.

I seen my friends who were walking towards the stage to go to the back and meet me once I was done.

Students were clapping wildly once I came off the stage to  approach my friends,
"Holy shit, Holy shit. I did that" I rambled. I surprised myself because of how I struggled while practicing.

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