3rd year - Chapter 36

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It was finally Christmas day, I was beyond excited to watch everyone open their presents, I had tried to put a lot of thought in them this year since everyone has been so nice and helpful. Its honestly not a lot but I really hope they like them.

As always on Christmas morning as the clock struck 6:00 I made my way out the room being sure not to disturb the young redhead that was not so gracefully sleeping. I had to silence my laughter when I looked over at her, her pleats I done the day before gives her a look of being stunned. Her mouth was hung open and there was a big pile of drool hanging out her mouth. I shook my head and headed out.

I managed to make it out in time to see my brothers standing at the top of the stairs waiting for me as usual. I walked over and hugged them all and wishing them a merry Christmas. I would usually slide down the banister but couldn’t this time for 2 reasons, the obvious one is the baby growing in my belly and also the tinsel that was wrapped around it. As me and my siblings bounded down the stairs Connor had tripped on the last step and went sliding across the hall to the front door, we had to keep quiet if we wanted to be able to wake everyone the way we wake up dad every year.

We ran into the kitchen and started laughing quietly while collecting all the things we needed.

We first went to my dad’s room to wake him up peacefully so he could watch the scene unfold since he was usually the one it was happening too. He seemed grateful this year and gave us all once big hug and wishing us a merry Christmas. He eyed the things in our hands and just shook his head but he had a big grin on his face as I handed him the big pan and wooden spoon.

Quietly we all made our way to the middle of the hall and stood in a circle so all the noise would be directed at each door and with a nod we all began clattering the pots and pans as loud as we could. I watched my dad walk up to each door with a big grin on his face as he battered each door with the wooden spoon. Soon enough everyone was standing at their doors looking incredibly unhappy and sleepy. Plan worked.

The only person I didn’t see was the 2nd youngest Weasley, our dear friend Ronald. With an evil smirk I went to my room grabbed the empty glass off of my bedside unit and went and filled it up with extra cold water. I casually made my way into the room as everyone watched. I high-fived the twins as I walked past and stood next to the bed. As I dumped the cold glass on him he immediately shot up,
“GOOD MORNING RONALD. MERRY CHRISTMAS” I shouted in his ear causing him to scream and fall off the edge of the bed. I laughed so hard that I collapsed onto the ground in tears as I heard everyone laugh form behind me. As I looked up Ron was scowling at me.

“oh c’mon Ron, be happy breakfast will be ready soon” I told him and he immediately shot up out of bed and down the stairs past everyone.

After we all calmed down and went downstairs I decided to make everyone tea as an apology for waking them up. I got help from the twins to take it through before we all sat down and opened our presents.

Everyone got a famous Weasley jumper and I was very excited because it was my first one. Let me tell you, those things are bloody comfy. It was black wool with a scarlet red D on the front. My brothers all got one in yellow with black letters. Dads was a scarlet red with a black W for William.

I got up and went to pick up 2 boxes and made my way over to Mr and Mrs Weasley. They had small appreciative smiles on their faces. Mr Weasley waited for Mrs Wealsey to open hers. The Davis clan had gotten her a bunch of wools and new knitting needles along with a book on different patterns she could practice. She thank us profusely claiming it was too much but she deserves it.

Mr Weasley began opening his and as I was wrapping I made sure to put the best on the top. A family of rubber ducks, his smile was so bright and it made me smile as I went to sit next to him. He continued opening it and the last thing was a muggle colouring book with pencils.

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