3rd year - Chapter 39

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Since Bekki and Cedric came through on Boxing Day it’s been one hell of a week. We used it to relax and hang around each other more. It’s safe to say that the adults must be sick of us, a lot of days are spent in my room with the record payer on and playing some games. After my outburst no one mentioned it, although I’m sure they wanted to.

Although most of my days were spent in the bathroom throwing up anything I ate due to the wave of morning sickness I had gotten over the holidays. It was safe to say I looked like complete shit and I was constantly reminded from mostly Fred and George who sat with me while I went through it because not many of the others could handle the sick.

Mrs Weasley often came in and made sure I had some water and gave me a blanket because of the cold sweat I had been getting, the potions that poppy had given weren’t working either, well they were but not to the effectiveness stop it, they just slowed it down a bit. I’m glad that the bathroom was right next to my room so that I could still hear the music that was being played.

A week after Christmas was a stressful day to say the least. We were all going around the house cleaning up and packing before we returned to Hogwarts next week. We didn’t want to abandon the house in a mess for dad and Mitchel to clean up as well as working. So while packing and cleaning the house left us little time to stop. We took short breaks every now and then but that was about it.

I had sat down in my room and took a break for around 5 minutes. I think people have noticed since I found the news of my real father, I spend more time in my room needing a minute to cope with the new information.
While I was sitting on my bed I was having a weird feeling in my stomach it was different to the butterflies I used to get and the feeling of the baby moving. This feeling couldn’t be described. Not knowing what was happing I looked down to my stomach hoping to understand what was happening and then it happened the worst thing I had ever seen in recent weeks. Blood soaking through my shorts and onto the bed. Except this time it brought me no peace and comfort. This time it riddled my body with fear and anxiety.

“No, no, no” I whispered as I reached down and put my hand on it to check it and make sure it was real, unfortunately it was, I could feel it. The warm crimson liquid slowly growing bigger on my sheets. My heart broke at the sight, my breath hitched and warm salty tears left my eyes. The realisation hit, no one was with me they were all downstairs taking a break as well and I’m up here alone not knowing what to do.

I slowly stood up on shaky legs and made my way carefully down the stairs, my breathing ragged and my heart pounding in my chest begging for an escape. I was surprised my legs held me up so long. Making my way downstairs with one hand on my small bump I was hoping and praying to merlin himself things would be okay and as my other hand clinging to the banister I made my way over to the living room door slowly pushing it open and hearing the chatter inside.

“Daddy, help me” my voice soft as a whisper as I seen my dad. He looked over and immediately stood up and rushed over to me and caught me before my shaking legs gave way. In that moment I didn’t care if I was mad at him or not I needed him more than anything.

He held me close as Mrs Weasley came over to see me. Looking up I seen everyone’s horrified faces they all seemed frozen in their place not knowing what to do. Mr Weasley stood closest in front of everyone to try and shield them but it was too late they had all seen. Bekki held tears in her eyes and held onto Connor who held back just as tight. It seemed Ginny, Ron and Harry had the same shocked expression on their faces whereas the twins had a look completely different, worry and sympathy clearly etched into their expression. All 3 of my brothers and Cedric slowly made their way over in an attempt of comfort, each of their expressions the same as everybody else’s. None of them knowing what to do. As I look around them all I couldn’t bare looking any longer so I buried my head into my dad’s chest and cried.

“She needs to go to St. Mungo’s. Now.” Mrs Wealsey said panic riddled her voice and fear written across her face. It wasn’t long before my dad had carried me into the fireplace and to St Mungo’s. Mrs Weasley soon following suit.

My dad held me in his arms shouting for help while I held my bump hoping and praying to Merlin himself again and again that nothing bad would happen. Healers immediately rushed over and took my small body out of my dad’s arms and onto a bed. They wheeled me away much to my dad’s protest. I wasn’t sure what was happening but I know that it can’t be good.

Dad’s P.O.V.

I sat there with my head in my hands as I replayed my baby girl being in a hospital bed for the 2nd time this year. When she came into the living room and I heard her small voice it broke my heart once I had looked over at her. I could see how bad she was hurting and I didn’t know what to do the only thing I could do was hold her but it still felt like it wasn’t enough. I felt useless especially since everything that’s happened and what I had to tell her, if I didn’t I was just being selfish. Thankfully Molly was there to be calm and level headed about this situation. I could still see the sadness swimming in her eyes though as much as she tried to hide it and be strong.

I couldn’t sit any longer so I stood up and started pacing up and down the waiting room while molly sat in the chair next to the one I had just left.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to the fiery redheaded headed woman I have known for many years “it will be okay William” she said in a nice calm voice. It would have worked if the healer didn’t come into my sight. I immediately walked over to him but he held up his hand and stopped me before I could say anything,
“She is sleeping but shouldn’t be for much longer, if you will follow me Mr Davis I will explain to you both at the same time what happened” and so I did, I grabbed Molly’s hand and brought her with me. We made our way into the room and I seen my baby there lying peacefully still with her eyes closed.

Davina’s P.O.V.

I woke up in the hospital bed and immediately remembered what had happened. I opened my eyes to feel tears falling out. I looked around and seen my dad sitting there with Mrs Weasley beside him rubbing his back as he hunched over in a very uncomfortable looking chair,

“Dad” I spoke in a soft hoarse voice because of all the crying I had done. He immediately snapped his head up and rushed over to me engulfing me in a hug, Mrs Weasley came to the other side and grabbed my hand and sent me a small smile which I returned. I went to ask them what happened but was cut short by the healer walking in.

“Ah Miss Davis, good to see your awake” he looked to happy for what had happened and it made me angry and my impatience shined throw once I cut him off from speaking any longer “what happened? Is my baby okay?” I asked him nervously while I held onto my dad’s arm and Mrs Weasley’s hand.

“Everything will be okay, it seems that what has happened is a placental abruption. It means that the placenta that processes all your babies’ nutrients, waste and oxygen has started to come away from wall of your womb. Not to worry we have managed to heal it as best we can but you will have to be on bed rest for the next couple of days, you are allowed to go home in about an hour, we will send you home with some extra healing potions and some sleep inducing potions” with that the healer left presumably to get everything ready.

I breathed a sigh of relief and held on tighter to my dad as he hugged me back. Once the healer came back in with a small bag of the potions and some papers. He handed them to my dad and explained everything to him again as Mrs Wealsey helped me get on a clean pair of pyjama shorts.

It wasn’t in an hour I was leaving they had asked to double and triple check everything so it was more like 2 more hours we were there. Soon enough they let us go and I thanked them immensely.

We had gone back to the house but I didn’t want to talk to anyone so I just went up to my room and crawled into bed, my mind swirling with thoughts that scared me. What would have happened if it was too late? This baby was one of the only reasons I could keep going. If I lost it I would for sure loose myself.


We go back to Hogwarts in a few days. Ive been taing the potions and everything as astarted to go back to normal and im thnakfu;, so thankful my baby is okay.

I’ve also spoke to my dad and brothers. They know what I know now and they are all great at helping me.

I haven’t told anyone else who my real father is all they know is that it’s not William. They haven’t pushed to me to tell them but I know they are curious about it.

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