Chapter 17

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"I've searched everywhere you told me to. I can't find her."

"Well, that obviously proves it." The clerk said politely. "She left."

"The gateman saw her enter but didn't see her leave," Narrowed-eyed Uche rapped her fingers on the desk. "Neither did security."

"It's possible that Mr Gbenga wasn't watching the door for every second in the last thirty minutes, and this girl passed by without him noticing. Security see lots of people every day, everyone basically looks the same to them, except if they're under suspicion of being a threat. Why don't you check the block again to see if she's come back?" He suggested when she huffed in agitation. "Maybe she's out searching for what she'd lost."

"See, that's what doesn't make sense to me!" She shot at him, temper flaring. Then she took a deep, calming breath, regarded the young man coolly. "The girl is constrained to take her phone and writing materials wherever she goes. They are too necessary to be forgotten," She paused, considering. "This place has surveillance cameras. It should tell whether or not she left the premises."

"I understand your worry but there's nothing we can do. While that may be true, only the police is entitled to the content of the footage as part of an official investigation. If she still isn't found, I suggest using the proper channels by reporting her missing. You'll just have to wait. I'm sorry." He turned from her, beaming at man headed for the table. "Good evening, sir. Welcome to Lykstas,"

Dismissed, Uche drifted aside so as not to obstruct business and while she brooded over the situation, the man surreptitiously leered at her until he'd been attended to and left. She hadn't bothered with wearing a jacket over her flattering tank top. "Can I talk to the person who brought them in at least? Are they still in? Maybe they could be of help." Before he could object, added, "Please."

"I'll see what can be done."


One man leaned against the secured door. Another man prepared to do his job, aiming a gun aimed at her forehead. It couldn't be real, that she was in this room with killers, and death just the pull of a trigger away. But it was. Devastating reality transfixed Huma where she stood, adrenaline rampaging through her system. Her unfulfilled dreams; the unrepaired rift between herself and her mother; "be careful," her grandmother's warning; the prospects of a new friend---all were on the verge of being taken from her. It seemed that she'd only started living recently, instead of existing. Now, it was over. She'd never see her parents again or hear Mrs Ehana gripe about coconut heads. She'd never see Uche again. Was this what they meant by life flashing before one's eyes?

I'm so afraid. All her life, she'd always been afraid and helpless. Was she going to die without ever conquering it? It can't be the end. Please, help me.

Lawrence averted his eyes, swallowing hard. He couldn't believe he'd allowed Anthony goad him into consenting someone's death. Whether his hand held the gun or not, he'd be a murderer afterwards. But it was necessary: everyone's life was at stake, Jidenna's most of all. With her dead everything was certain to stay hidden. But Uche would leave, disappearing as she did before. For some reason, the girl seemed the only thing keeping Uche here-just how close were they? He couldn't tell. Maybe that's for the best, he thought. The turn of events would force his brother to abandon his revenge on the government. She'd be safe. Murderers looked out for each other. Is that really what he wanted to become?

"It needs to be done," he muttered to himself. Huma's fear was so palpable that Lawrence could feel it, and that made him look. Staring blankly at the gun, she appeared like a child, fragile, small. Her face showed no expression, astounding him. How could someone appear so calm in the face of death? Then as though falling asleep, she closed her eyes. The lights easily caught those tears, two drops of glimmering water trailed down her cheeks.

A Hazel HavenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang