Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Here," Hunkering down, Uche proffered a small towel. "You have some on your chin."

Huddled next to the toilet bowl, Huma snatched it, embarrassed as she wiped away remnants of food, head bowed. Then she stared at the towel, looking apologetic.

"Don't worry. It's yours." Uche observed her quietly for a moment. "I'm sorry." Huma looked up. "I didn't realize it was this bad. You should remain in the room." She started to rise when Huma held onto her hand, frowning at the texture of her palm. Startled, Uche withdrew almost immediately. "Something you want?"

"I'm going."

"You don't have to. We've just about spent the necessary time." But she saw the resolve on Huma's face.

Shakily, Huma got to her feet. Feeling faint-hearted, she placed a hand on the wall for support.

"Are you sure?" Uche stood in the doorway.

Huma nodded as she splashed some water on her face.

"Okay then. I'll be at our spot."

He had left, relieving Huma's tension. They sat out the games and dances. It was almost midnight when the party winded down. Towards the end, as they gathered their things, Huma felt them drift apart again, even more when they were back in the room moments later.

Half awake, Huma rolled open her bed, the silence thick. After setting up for night class, she thought about asking if something had happened, but Uche was already under the covers, the sleeping mask she'd purchased recently over her eyes. Huma, feeling bereft, brewed her night tea. She studied until dawn the awareness that someone had found out what should have remained hidden looming over her mind.

However, she had survived the night.


Uche checked her phone for time since she couldn't find her watch-too early. It was Sunday and the last day of the month.

"Good afternoon, sir," Uche greeted on her feet as Michael ambled over to the table where she had been sitting for half an hour. He made a dismissive gesture with his hand and settled opposite her. Uche sat back, watched him order drinks for them. The last time they'd met, his appearance had attracted unwanted attention, so he had made reservations at a quieter, more private restaurant where he was least likely to be recognized.

Michael waited until they were served. "Before we begin, you should know that someone will be joining us from now on. They are the ones who pay you; the house, clothes, everything you've been given has been from their pockets. Starting today, I want you to always introduce yourself before giving the reports. It's the only way to make this believable. Is that understood?"

Uche looked skeptical. Why was he just mentioning that? "Yes, sir." She said instead, watching as Michael brought out his phone and dialed someone. No questions asked, he'd told her.

"Yes, I'm with her. I hope I'm not interrupting anything? Okay, I'll give her the phone now." He handed her the phone.

At his nod, Uche cleared her throat then stated her name. "I'm Huma's roommate." Whoever was on the other end of the line was silent, but she could overhear heated commentary in the background. Football?

Michael signaled for his phone back, he said a couple of words then placed the phone on the table between them, face up. "They are listening." He sipped brandy. "You and Huma have been roommates for some time now; we'd like to hear what you've observed or noticed. You've met her parents out of necessity to ease worries about you. How did that go? We want to hear everything, leave nothing out."

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