Interlude iii

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Interlude iii

Quickly, Lawrence folded the paper and slipped it into the pocket of his chinos as he turned around, mustering a warm smile. Sneakers squeaking, Ryan banged the door shut and stood with his arms out for a welcome embrace, a broad, cheery grin on a face that was also Lawrence's. The matching denim jacket to his jeans hung around his waist. Where his chain dangled on the front of his T-shirt was damp with sweat, just like the underarms.

"Uh, you're back early." Lawrence said blandly, trying to appear as though his day had been nothing but tedious, "I thought the job would take about a week."

When Ryan saw that a hug wasn't forthcoming, he let his arms go lax, "No 'you were missed'?" He heaved a dramatic sigh, taking off the aviator sunglasses and pork pie hat he had on, "Sometimes I get the feeling you wish I'd stay out every single day. Well, the old hag's husband returned earlier than expected, so we had to keep things brief. Good news is she paid a lot of compensation money for wasting my time. She's been calling me like crazy---" just then his phone rang. Ryan grinned, "there she is again. They just can't get enough of me," he turned it off.

Jidenna made a chirpy noise.

"At least he is happy to see me," Ryan said. Dropping his things on a nearby chair, he went to his child, but didn't pick him up, only leaned over him. "Nwa m, daddy can't carry you," he sniffed himself, "I still smell of old woman. I have to bathe first." Then he looked at his brother, straightening, "Did the bitch come over to do the needful?"

That was what he called her-Vanessa's name was forbidden. "Yes, yesterday."

"She didn't touch him, did she?" Ryan said, his expression darkening with malice, "Because if she did, I'll---"

"No," Lawrence replied curtly. He was sure Ryan's ensuing threat wouldn't be an empty one, and as much as he, too, despised Vanessa, he didn't want any harm befalling her. "She refilled the bottles and left."

Ryan wiped a hand down his face, nodding. "What is this I hear of a girl fainting in the blocks?"

Lawrence managed to dissimulate his mild astonishment by frowning under dull eyes. Of course he had heard. There was always someone keeping him abreast of things. "You heard. Who told you?"

"Anthony," Ryan said and began striping, first loosening the jacket around his waist before taking off his shirt and unbuckling his belt. "I called him yesterday, and he told me he was at the hospital because some girl fainted here," he yanked his jeans down, hiked one leg after another , tugging them off each foot. It joined the heap on the floor. Ryan stood in only his boxer briefs and chain. "He said you had him do it. Speaking of him, where is he? He's not in his room and his phone is switched off."

"He's at the gym," Lawrence walked to sit at his working table. He was glad Ryan had given room for digression.

"Really?" Ryan laughed. "I thought his gym days were Tuesdays and Thursdays, except when he had clients."

"He goes everyday now."

"Someone has to tell him to stop. He's going to explode someday."

"He's going for the hulk," Lawrence smirked, "Thinks it would be nice to be one in real life. He's planning on applying for Mr Nigeria next year unto Mr World, if he emerges as the winner. He hopes to intimidate them with his body to get the title. He has been training really hard."

"The hulk? With the amount of steroids he chows down, It may not be impossible."Bunching up his clothes, Ryan chucked it on the bed, snorting, "Don't you need at least some facial appeal for that, too. Women see him and run. It makes me wonder how Rita handles all that. She has my respect. That guy will crush her one day, I guarantee it."

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