Chapter 45

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"It's finally over," Rita said, positively exhausted after the last paper which concluded the examinations for the semester and their final year. Two weeks prior they'd successfully defended their projects.

They were outside the examination hall where students signed white tee shirts- which was the norm for graduating students- and felicitated with one another.

Some girls came over to sign on Rita's shirt, giggling and snickering. After a short conversation, they bounded off and Rita returned to the shade where Uche stood, hiding from the sun.

"Why can't you be normal?" Rita asked Uche, eyeing her black camisole, blazer and jean. She was the only student not participating in the white tee ritual. "You look like you're in mourning."

She might as well be. These last few weeks had sucked every light out of her.

They began walking away from the rowdy scene."So we're celebrating," Rita dabbed sweat off her forehead. "At a club."

"A club?"

"I know what you're going to say: It's not your thing."

"It's not my thing," The thought of an after party sent pain lancing through Uche's temples. "I'm very tired, Rita. I need to sleep, okay? I don't know how you still have the strength after this."

"Look," Rita pointed to her eyes. "I have dark circles. Im exhausted too. But we carried over a year and, i pray to God almighty, that we don't have to come back here again. We deserve to wind down, let loose."

"I thought that was what the dinner night was for,"

Rita scrunched up her face. "Yes, but...we have to pretend to be civilised and obey rules. Club night is a night of reckless abandon. Of unadulterated fun." She said with a dramatic spread of her hands in the air.

All Uche could thing about was the booming music and sweaty, clinging bodies. " I don't know....."

"Oh come on. Tell you what? You come. If you feel out of sorts anytime, we leave. It will be fun. You can bring your sweet little friend."

Snorting, Uche shook her head. "She doesn't do clubs." Although, she'd like to see Huma out of her elements. Too much carnality may just send the poor girl into shock.

"I see your point. So, what do you say?" Puppy eyed, Rita turned to her,pouting."Please," then she smiled teasingly, anticipating her victory.


I just finished my last paper. I'm on my way back. I hope yours went well? Pocketing her phone, Huma breathed in relief, closing her eyes briefly. She'd done it; she'd graduate. After all these years, she didn't believe a day would ever come when the sleepless nights and the rigorous practicals would cease. An inexplicable joy made her heart flutter and hot tears  prickled her eyes.

I did it, Cody.

She'd texted her parents right after ( her father) and Mrs Ehana to inform them. They'd been elated.

I'm so proud of you,  Mrs Ehana had texted back, I'm sure he'd be proud, too. Send me pictures. So she'd sent pictures of her signed white tee and group selfies with course mates.

All glory to Allah, her father had texted back, we're expecting you home.

Determined not to cry, Huma blinked back tears. She searched for Kazeem in the crowd. They'd been placed in separate halls but everyone had convened before their main lecture hall after. There was no sign of him. She saw one of his friends and asked and was told that he had left. How odd.
Usually he'd linger to jubilate with everyone.

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