Chapter 29

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He hadn't seen her in a while and the first thing she does was to run away--after all their heart to heart chats. Lawrence went after her. Damn she was fast. It took him quite some time to catch up and realize that Uche was in pursuit of a guy. At some point, all energy fizzled out and she resulted to air attacks, throwing oranges she'd snatched from a nearby wheelbarrow, despite protests from the owner. An orange bonked the second guy in the back of the head and the force sent him careening into stacked crates of bottled drinks. The bottles shattered, the contents spilled. Someone wailed

As the guy scrambled up, Uche, heaving, stalked forward but Lawrence intercepted. He recognised the phone pouch, retrieved it. The occupants of the roadside stores had come to ogle at the scene.

"He's getting away," Uche gritted out, attempting another chase;  Lawrence held her back.

"Let him," he could feel her whole body vibrating, see her eyes smoulder with rage. "Calm down," he had said the words so softly that she looked at him. They averted their gazes in time to see some men try to capture the nimble thief who, despite being outnumbered, escaped. He heard Uche's groan of frustration as she snatched her bag back from him and flounced off.

Lawrence quickly compensated for damages and followed. He said nothing, not until she was seated inside the LOCAL PLACE.

"May I?"

"No," Lawrence pulled out a chair and sat anyway. She was sweating profusely. He thought about handing her his handkerchief and reached for it but Uche swiped her sleeves across her forehead, dabbing her chin after which she kept silent. She wouldn't meet his eyes either.

Oh right. They had a deal. Strangers on the outside. Now he remained silent.


Why wouldn't he just leave? He was just there. Staring at her with, no doubt, a stupid smile on his face. A girl, the waitress, came to the table asking if they were ready to order.

She wasn't that hungry, so she settled for moi-moi and jollof rice.

" I'll get the same." Lawrence replied when he was asked.

Uche waited until the girl had left, eyes on her phone. " I thought we had a deal."

"I don't know what you're talking about, miss. I just happen to be randomly sitting opposite this very beautiful, sweaty woman who also happened to save my new phone."He sat back looking smug. She hated it."Perfectly normal to me. But,"- he was suddenly leaning forward on the table- " I find it surprising that this random woman would go to that extent."

Tongue in cheek, Uche dragged her gaze up and into his. He caught her there. Why had she done it anyway?Her feet had moved of their own accord. "She would have done it for anyone." Would she have, though? Her tone had sounded defensive. She frowned. "If you don't mind, you're in my face." Yes. She needed to breathe without inhaling him in.

Lawrence smiled but moved away. The food arrived and they ate. Silently.


Amarachi emerged from the back door, wiping her hands on her dress. She'd just finished washing the plates. The sight of Lawrence pleased her. She started to smile. Then she saw the woman. Her face froze. The hair was cut short but it was no doubt a female, going by the delicate curve of the shoulders.

She leaned on the counter, craning her neck for better view. Nothing. Lawrence glanced at the woman from time to time, a smile playing on his lips. A genuine smile-not the polite kind.One he'd never given anyone else, even her. He was happy. Anxious, Amarach bit her bottom lip.

Some time later, Lawrence excused himself and went outside. Amarachi who'd been waiting for the slightest chance to satisfy the nagging curiosity, forced a beam onto her face.

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