Chapter 7

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She was asking for trouble.

The area was in an uproar; the atmosphere resonated with the din of blaring horns, alongside clamouring voices of the thrilled and apprehensive. Already ensnared by the mass of people that only continued to gather, Uche was hemmed in further with her looming opponent as bystanders unwittingly formed an enclosing ring.

She could feel sweat trickle down her chest, and tugged at the neck of her shirt while blowing against the dense hot air trapped inside, lips puckered.

How long will it take the police to get here?

The man in front of her was burly—the kind whose body undulated with muscles and veins that bulged under his grimy, taut skin. In fact, he was a beast, and his predatory gaze alit with unholy intent trained on her as he paced back and forth like a caged animal waiting for the ample time to attack.

He smiled wryly at the jeering of the guys behind him, inflating his already oversized ego—his henchmen, most probably.

The wager was set—a rolled bundle of money was being flaunted enticingly in the hand of one of them, one of his guys. No one was to interfere unless things got out of hand or the police crashed the fight, the latter she hoped would be the case. Uche stepped back slowly.

"Are you going to bail out after running your mouth?" the man asked in a voice as monstrous as his looks.

Uche gave him an impish smile before turning to the little boy beside her. "Hold this," she told him and thrust her things his way, which he clutched immediately to his chest. "My things better be intact when get them back." The boy squinted up at her, his upturned face showed no sign of understanding, but he nodded.

Refocusing on the big man, she cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders. Her body felt drained almost instantly, and her heart began to thud heavily, throwing her into a state of tremulous excitement. She clapped her hands, rubbing them briefly, then stepped forward as they encircled each other.

"She must have a death wish," someone scoffed behind her as she passed by. "She be fine o. It's too bad her pretty face will get bashed in."

Maybe she did. If the police didn't get here in time, she just might get it. But there was the feeling that if she were to lose to this monstrosity--by the way his eyes glittered--the comeuppance for such an impulsive action would be dire. She fought a shudder of repugnance.

As they walked round, trying to glimpse an advantage, Uche thought how easy it would be for him: all he had to do was clobber her with one well aimed punch and death would be instant, no doubt.

Although, she didn't know how serious he took the challenge, but nobody ever truly intended to kill someone in the heat of anger. It just happened.

He was a powerhouse. She gazed at his massive thighs. People like him were usually slow on their feet. Usually. She would have to find out.

He caught her stare and smiled darkly. "You like what you see?"

Uche hid her disgust behind a fist. "So, how many women have rejected you? I have a feeling this is not the first one. Doesn't that tell you something?"

The man's face contorted with simmering rage and he glowered at her, his pecs flexing and his jaws clenching.

"Who are your parents? They didn't do you any favours." She feigned hauteur, shrugging nonchalantly. "If I were you, I would sue them."

There was a collective OOOh from the crowd. He charged, a growl ripping from his mouth as he lumbered towards her, but she was ready, dodging to her right when he attempted to grab her with his left hand and ducking under as the arm swung widely, hopping away on her toes. She smirked at his comical astonishment. He glared vindictively.

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