Chapter 37

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Huma couldn't remember the last time she went to a supermarket. The floors were pristine white and reflected the overhanging lights. She stared at the shelves of products as she walked down the aisle. There were a wide array of things to choose from. She'd come here on observational basis but now she was itching to buy a thing or two.

She soon stumbled on hair products and stood gushing over them. So many. Although she was quite capable of concocting hers, school had been far too hectic lately to do anything else besides study, and hers were almost exhausted. Huma picked one hair mask from the shelf and studied the back. Unimpressed she replaced it. Far too much chemicals.

When she reach the aisle with books on display, her eyes flitted over the names and illustrious covers. One caught her attention. It had a young woman with red hair. Her animated eyes were blue and gleamed over red lips parted to sing. Clams formed a bra across her chest. She also had a tail which was the color green. 'The little mermaid', the title read.

Is this supposed to be a fish?

Indeed, it was a fish, a woman as well, going by her Google search result. They were truly called mermaids, mythical creatures who dwell in the sea. She saw several images, most of humans cosplaying; some looked either drawn or painted and others alienic( she winced at their sharp teeth and vicious slitted eyes).

Her niece had mentioned something related in the past: a fish who'd lost its voice. Something about a prince too. Now she eyed the book curiously, a hand to her chin. Huma was standing at one end of the long shelves with Uche in view behind a cash register. Huma's eyes flicked over.

The blood red polo and fitted black Jean looked good on her. She nodded her capped head at a customer and perfunctorily smiled. Several male customers have second glances, even thirds, no doubt in awe by her beauty. Uche, as usual, never seemed to notice.

It hadn't been too long since her roommate had secured the cashier position, part time. More money was needed to fund her project and the online job would cover most expenses, but she had daily needs to settle- this job took care of that--and being a student allowed presented some certain privileges. Or something like that. Huma didn't quite understand the whole thing. But she appreciated the opportunity it presented to her.

A man stepped up to pay and as Uche took his card and made the transaction, he looked her over so openly and carnally that Huma blushed and averted her eyes. Allah yarham. It surprised her how shameless some men could be.

The next person was a pregnant woman, and she refocused her attention on the book.


Uche released a breath as the oogling man stepped aside. So much of her energy had been channeled to maintaing her composure and not losing her cool. Her line had more customers, most male, which meant more work. It was no surprise at all.

The next customer placed their basket before her and , one by one, she checked off their prices.

"That will be nineteen thousand five hundred naira, ma." Uche said after the total amount appeared on the screen.

The woman brought out her card, then gasped on recognizing the face under the cap. "Uche?"

Uche's head came up, disbelief in her eyes. " Sharon." She covered her displeasure with a small smile. "Hey, how far? It's been awhile."

"I dey o. You totally deserted me." Sharon accused, one hand on her protruding stomach. The months have seen it swollen heavily. Her slender figure was now rotund with baby fat. The young girl had matured into a woman rather quickly.."I thought of even coming to see you but I remembered I didn't know where you lived. Your phone number wasn't going through--"

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