Chapter 35

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Huma was uneasy. The way the car only served to heighten her anxiety as it headed towards an unknown destination. Uche had simply told her to get ready, and now she was quiet, staring outside the window with an inscrutable expression on her lovely face.

Uche's hair was freshly cut, and for some reason her clothes were formal, a high waist, fitted black skirt, white camisol and a long red blazer. Her face had minimal make up; regardless, her fair skin glowed. Briefly, Huma wondered what she'd look like with long hair.

Very beautiful. Huma could only imagine. She shifted in her seat. The denim jean and jacket she wore felt odd. When she'd purchased them they had been looser but now tightened around the arms and thighs. She studied parts of her body. Was she truly putting on weight?

The car suddenly veered to her right, through massive gates and into a premises teeming with people, who seemed like milling ants amid t tall buildings. The car parked, and they climbed out. Glancing around, Huma strove for quietude within herself. Too many people.

Most persons were dressed casually and some formally, like Uche. The parking lot was filled with cars. From her perspective the place was more expansive than it appeared to be.

Her oil. Where was it? The small bottle wasn't in her pockets.

"We won't spend much time." Uche said from beside her. " Do you think you can cope until I'm done?"

Although, uncertain, Huma nodded.

"If it's too much for you, just let me know. We can leave. Anytime you want."

Huma exhaled, nodding again. They made their way towards one of the buildings. Huma ensured she was at Uche's side to avoid bumping into persons. Afraid she'd get lost, Huma slipped her hand into Uche's and linked their fingers. Expecting a protest, she was mildly astonished when Uche held on firmly.

Before they entered the building, Huma caught sight of her reflection in the glass door. Her hair was wrapped up with a red scarf and on her feet were flats. Her parents would freak out if they saw her, but she couldn't bring herself to care now. The outfit was too comfortable.

They soon found themselves in a seminar room, spacious and air conditioned. As they looked for seats with a vantage view, Huma caught several persons glancing their way, men and women alike. Huma blushed. She wasn't the object of interest. Her roommate was an exquisite beauty. Naturally, she would turn heads. Uche seemed not to notice-if she did, she showed no concern. Huma found that amazing.

Seated, someone stepped onto the stage and stood behind a podium: a young looking debanoir in a suit. He introduced himself, greeted everyone and stated the agenda for the day, after which a middle aged qoman woman dressed in a lacey gown, aided by some one replaced him. She had dark shades on and held a walking stick-Huma recognised the meaning of it's all white color. This person was blind.

Then it clicked. She saw some people in crutches. There was a man in the front on wheelchair. Another man, an amputee, sat three rows away. There were several other physically challenged individuas. She also realised the polos some people wore, which had an acronym behind. She recognised it.

Could they be....

The woman behind the podium spoke, and she gasped softly, knowing the voice. "Good day everyone. It's really sunny out there, I just had to put on my shades,"

There was brief laughter.

"We only just delivered the donations to the orphanages yesterday. Those children were beyond happy. We thank you and I'm sure they thank you too. I pray God blesses everyone who made it possible richly, so that we can do more."

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