Chapter 41

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When Uche stepped out from behind the screen, everyone present gasped in awe at how gorgeous she looked. The blonde fringed wig teased her shoulders. It complimented the part lace, part fabric gown which was ruffled off one shoulder and detached off the other with a low cut center that exposed some cleavage. It hugged her length and hemmed above her knees.

"Okay, so like how we practised," Rita's eyes were glowing. "Everyone give her room."

Slowly Uche put one heeled foot in front of the other, turning and striking a pose, back to the others, one hand on her waist and her head over one shoulder, lash extensions sweeping low then up.

"Perfect,"Turning, Rita signaled to one of the girls. " Tell the others to line up. We're on in ten minutes." As every other person left, she walked up to Uche. "And you say you've never done this before. I find that hard to believe." she noticed Uche's distant eyes and said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I think It's almost ten minutes."


"So has anything caught your fancy this evening?" Lawrence asked the man who had come to join their table. He was what people called a 'venture capitalist' in the business world. But occasionally, Mr Aigbe Christopher, scouted talents for his associates interested in investing in promising young individuals. They rarely kept contact or saw each other, except when the need arise, like the event currently unfolding. He was an insufferable man of stocky built and in his fifties.

Lawrence couldn't wait for the end of the week so he wouldn't have to tolerate the man any longer.

"Just a few. Well, the night is still young." He sipped wine then leaned forward, lowering his voice. " Do you still offer entertainment? It has been a very tiring journey, and I'd like to relax a bit."

Wondering how a short flight and an air-conditioned car could be described as tiring, Lawrence hid his disgust behind an exaggerated smile. "Of course. Any entertainment of your choosing."

The fashion show was next. Rita,the designer, gave a brief introduction of her styles, and one by one each stunningly dressed girl emerged from the side entrance, strutted across the stage, struck a pose or two and disappeared behind a curtain on the other side. Some men flaunted Rita's other debonair styles. Lawrence pretended to be interested but his body tingled in anticipation.

When Uche strode in, he couldn't believe his eyes, transfixed by her sensuality. At that moment a yawning chasm opened inside of him and he felt himself plummeting towards its dark depths.

"She was in the play, right?This woman. The one who sang." Mr Christopher said beside him, breaking the spell.

"Yes, sir," he said distractedly.

"She's quite the beauty." Mr Christopher mused." She's got a nice voice too. All the makings of a star. Tell me, is she available?"

Lawrence's jaw clenched involuntarily, temper flaring. "Available?"

The man grinned. "You know what i mean."

Anthony drank some wine to keep from laughing.

Mr Christopher must have seen something in Lawrence's face that made him rueful. " I didn't know. I apologize."

Lawrence raised a brow. "Know what?"

"She's obviously your woman. I should have known."

Lawrence didn't refute this claim. Anthony made a noise in his throat. His boss stepped on his foot under the table, and he sobered.

"But she is quite talented. She could easily be a musician. Or a beauty queen, if she prefers pageantry. She could do both."

Needing distraction, Lawrence turned his attention to the stage, tuning the man out. He frowned, not understanding his anger. As he strove for calmness, he soon realized that Uche appeared distressed. Cameras were aimed at her, emitting flashes. She squinted, blinking excessively.

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