Chapter 31

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"How are you feeling?" Lawrence asked. It'd been over thirty minutes since his unexpected guest ingested some painkillers. At his request, sanitary pads had been made available and he'd watched Uche obscure him from view when it exchanged hands. He didn't know what to think or feel about her presence--he'd never had people over besides Anthony, Vanessa and Rita-- or the situation. At the moment though, Uche's well being was utmost priority; he would sort himself out later.

The crutch eased her movements but Uche would have  preferred that Lawrence never bothered. She'd changed into a new night wear, the neck was wider and slacked over one shoulder which she readjusted as she sat on the bed. Her eyes danced, they were everywhere yet nowhere.

Was she embarrassed? Lawrence grinned at the thought. He found it odd for someone often so composed.

"Sorry about the mess," she said, voice low, " I'll get it washed before leaving."

"You'll do no such thing. And you don't need to apologize. It happens." He considered something briefly,said" Don't you track it?"and desisted from further questioning when Uche's cold stare met his. " I didn't mean to pry. You're right. It's none of my business. Now, as promised," He tugged at the ropes meaningfully," just a hand, so I can check your ankle." It was the condition they had agreed upon which he would be released.

Creeping nearer, Uche began untiying the knot of the right hand. His libodo was crazy high; the slightest thing would excite him. Their proximity only made him more aware. She smelled so good, feeling his senses with an inexplicable longing. He watched her stoic face in the soft light , soon drifting his lazy gaze to her lips. The neck of her shirt slipped over one shoulder as she moved, revealing an enticing view of her breast.

Lawrence swallowed. Heavens help him. Despite her state, he badly wanted to flip her over and-
Pain suddenly flared in his wrist. The knot had been made far too tight. She also freed one foot. His body felt partially paralyzed.

Carefully, Uche positioned her ankle. He could feel those crystal clear eyes on him as he felt the affected area, trying to pretend there wasn't a ramrod problem between them.

"I track it,"

He glanced up, astounded by the response. He hadn't expected one. " From your reaction, it must have come later than expected. Is it often like that?"

"No. Just sometimes."

"How's the cramps for you normally?"

"Moderate pain."

"It doesn't look like it's moderate," Lawrence ignored her glare. " Anyway, you might want to have yourself tested for an infection. It's also possible your diet during those periods were poor. There's also stress-"

"For a caretaker, you sure know a lot about body physiology."

Lawrence's smile was lopsided. " I read a lot." She winced when he applied pressure. "More ice. I'll send for some but either way, if you don't rest up, you will have at least a cast on. I'm saying it again.

"In case I have hearing problems?

"In case you have hearing problems." He sensed her withdrawal and held her foot in place as he made the call. "Not yet." Through with the call, he said. " I never pegged you for the sporty type."

"You won't be the first," Grabbing the crutch, Uche extricated herself from his grasp.

"Where are you going? I thought I told you-"

"To rest up or risk being disabled for the rest of my life. Relax." She was bent over his play station console- the latest. Her fingers flitted over its surface. "You must be very well paid."

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