Chapter 36

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"She was kidnapped when she was six," Uche began, "They cut off her tongue."

Michael nodded. On the table, his phone represented the third person who was listening quietly.

Eyes narrowing, Uche angled her head. "You don't look surprised." Then she looked at him intently. "You knew."

"Of course, I knew," Michael said flippantly, reading off another phone in his hand. "The girl is special. The scholarship to study at that university didn't just come from thin air. People were involved; people are involved."

Uche's lips tightened. Information had been withheld from her on purpose. What else was he hiding? "She should have died. How did she not drown in her own blood?"

"That is none of your concern," Michael stated firmly. " What else did she tell you?"

Uche scoffed. Every month she reported to him physically at different restaurants; other times through calls or text messages. But he still kept her in dark. She'd had enough. " As of today, it's none of your business."

Michael's head came up. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she knew she had just blown her last shot at a hopeful harmonious reunion. "Ever since you came back into my life, it's been nothing full of regret and mishaps. She'll be graduating soon and I'm guessing you won't need me anymore. The paycheck would cease, right?"

When he didn't respond, Uche smiled, shaking her head. "You never planned on forgiving me. I was just suddenly of use to you and you had no choice." She swallowed down the hurt, the anger. "Here is how it's going to be: either you tell me what this is about, why you're so interested in her and who the bastard on other line is or we are done here."

"Now you listen to me-"

"I've been listening," she spoke over him." You will listen to me now."

Michael saw the determination in her eyes, and sat back. "So you'll revert to your old self: selfish, ignorant and pig-headed. You'll ruin everything just like how you've done all your life, destroying what ever good you touch or whatever good finds you."

Smirking, Uche replied. " That's what you've always expected. I was stupid to think otherwise."

" So how will you survive, madam? Prostitution? Waitress?"

" I survived long before you showed up, didn't I?"

"Barely. Of course, your tongue is sharp now after my money paid out your loans and gave you a comfortable place to stay. We both know this school thing isn't going to work out eventually." He sipped his drink.

It was the undeniable truth. She flicked a finger under her nose. " I'll be moving out. I'm sending the girl back home to her parents, telling them everything and refunding her share of the money. Have a good day, sir."

Infuriated, Michael palmed the table. "Uche!"

"That's enough, you two,"  the person on call spoke for the first time. They stared at the phone, each smouldering with anger. "Mr Michael. Please leave us."

"But--" Michael began.

"I need to talk with her alone." The person insisted, silencing him. "Thank you."

As he begrudgingly left, Uche, hesitant, sat down.

"Hello, Uche, are you there?" The voice was beautifully male and accented. Uche tried to place it.

"Yes. You can start by telling me who the hell you are."

The voice chuckled.


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