Chapter 30

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The water pelting Lawrence's skin wasn't cold enough, but it managed to calm him down. For the past ten minutes, he kept his head bowed under the shower head, eyes closed, breathing steadily.

What had he been thinking? But he hadn't. Not when she was involved. Finally Lawrence stepped out with a towel around his waist and another which he used to dry his hair then placed on his neck.

Plopping down on the couch, he spread his hands over the top, titled his head back and sighed, closing his eyes yet again. And there she was, cheeks full with food. He smiled at the picture. Adorable.


The dress was silky. Red was a good color on her very fair skin. Balancing the tray on her left hand, she hitched up the dress up her thighs. It was her sister's. Finally something of that harlot could be useful. Her heart was racing as she rang the doorbell. Tonight was the night.

"Amara?" Lawrence forehead creased." Isn't today your day off?"

His state of dishabile made her body tingle. She stared down his chest to where his towel was secured loosely around his waist, no doubt naked beneath. She flushed. He called her name again, and she looked at him with a blank expression, then remembered the question.

"We clo-closed early, sir." She fumbled in English. " I say make I jus come hepp."

"As much as I appreciate the effort, Amara. Off is off. I want you to have time to study, and do other things." Lawrence eyed the content of the tray. A single plate. " I don't remember ordering anything."

He was upset; she could tell. Did they have an argument? "It's suya and Zobo." Nervous, her voice quavered." You tell me say you be want suya before."

Lawrence's expression softened. He gave a remorseful smile. "And you went through the trouble to get them. You shouldn't have. I was only half serious, but thank you." He took the tray. "How much did you get them?"

"Noo o. I no say make you gemme money."


"Oga. Rest."

"I keep telling you Lawrence is just fine." He exhaled deeply, said. " Thanks again," and appeared to consider something. " Would you like some? There's enough for both of us."

Amarachi smiled, nodding eagerly.

"Give me a moment," Lawrence told her as he walked towards one of the doors after picking out clothes for the night. " You can help yourself to some of it if you like."

She smiled. Alone, Amarachi reassesed herself in the mirror. Her sleek, brownish hair teased her shoulders; the dress accentuated her moderate bust and the slight curve of her hips. Perfect. She was striking provocative poses when Lawrence's phone rang, the light flickering on the surface as it vibrated on the bed. She saw the name, glared. There would be no interruption.

He wasn't picking up. Uche cursed after the third try. Was he ignoring her now? For some strange reason that didn't sit well with her. There was a knot in her stomach. She tossed her phone aside, miffed. Then it pinged. The way her chest swelled at the sound puzzled Uche. But it was Huma. She just wanted to know if all had gone well.

"Yes. Already had dinner." Uche replied, unaware her lips were pouted; she caught herself. What in the world....?"Yes, I'm taking my medications." About sending another reply, Lawrence name( rather his stored alias) filled the screen. When she answered the other end of the line was silent.

"Hello?" Breathing. Laboured breathing. Uche sat straighter, brows furrowed. "Hello?" Moans came through but they were not of pleasure.


A Hazel HavenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang