Interlude X

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He hated places like this. The hot air. The booming music. The composite smells. But it was in such a place that he had met her for the first time. An exquisite, rugged woman. He remembered thinking the combination odd. She had walked towards his seat with his fiancée to be---of course, after beholding someone like Uche, thoughts of another were soon forgotten. He became infatuated with those eyes, obsessed with wanting to possess her.

She'd rejected him even though there'd been an obvious attraction, earning his resentment. Then she'd done it again. In public( his fault for calling her bluff). It had taken his swift connections to keep everything hushed. Damn her. He wouldn't let this time slide: not after all the heart ache and troubles she'd caused.

Nosakhare checked his watch. Past nine o' clock. For how long did he have to wait? He furtively glanced around, tugging his cap lower when a couple passed by eyeing him suspiciously. They couldn't recognize him with the dark shades on but he wasn't taking any chances. He sipped his drink and waited still. He'd managed to secure a spot quiet, secluded enough.

It was almost eleven when this person strode leisurely to his corner of the room.

"Had a protracted engagement," the tone was unapologetic.

Nosakhare frowned. He wanted to demand for the deserved apology but bit his tongue instead. Something warned him against trifling with this person."Isn't the suit a bit too much? I don't want us to attract attention."

The person smiled. A tip of the lips. It was a wry one."Business men come here all the time to unwind. More common than some shifty individual wearing dark shades in a dark room." One gloved finger was held up to signal for a drink. " You're doing a fine job of that already."

Nosakhare watched the person sample the drink, savour the taste. There was an awkward silence as they observed each other, then the person spoke.

"It's been awhile. After all these years of keeping your distance, minding your business, imagine my surprise when I got your call. You aren't having some strange thoughts again, are you? It would be a shame if you are."

Uneasy, Nosakhare swallowed. "I just have information. That's all."

"Interesting. About?"


The person seemingly paused while taking another sip. "Do you now? And what might that be?"

"I heard you've been looking for her," Nosakhare lowered his voice. " I know where she is."

"You do? Do tell." The person indulged.

"First, tell me why?" He dared, knowing his words couldn't be unsaid. " I thought everything was....done."

"Well," the person sat back, crossing legs. "She owes us. We simply want to collect a debt."

"A debt?"

"A debt."

" She schools in Benin," he told the person the name. " She's also part of a team under the NGO I work for, the Benin Division."

"Anything else?" The person was nodding slowly as he polished the details. "Thank you, Nosa. You've been very helpful."

"You aren't going to hurt her or anything, are you?" Nosa said as the person stood up. He resented her but not enough to want her badly hurt, and he knew their capabilities and expertise.

"Me? Not at all." The person said. " Not one hair on her head." About leaving the person paused, turned. " I'm curious. You've known her whereabouts all this time and only informed me now, why is that?"

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