[CH5]What Makes A Huntsman?

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

Y/n Pov

The clouds dissipate quickly as I stand. Looking outside I sight that the sun has risen. An unknown noise is made behind me and I quickly turn around with my rifle spear in hand. Looking towards the noise I saw a rectangle buzzing on the desk.

Me-"Isn't that..." I approach it and examine. "It is." The rectangle is in fact the scroll Oz told me about two days ago.

Picking it up I tap the green. After doing so the screen, as he called it, changed and displayed a picture of Glynda.

Glynda-"Ah Y/n glad to see your awake."

Me-"How are you..."

Glynda-"That can be explained later. For now do listen to what i'm about to tell you. Ozpin wishes to inform you of your classes and how you'll be introduced. Your new scroll has access to an itinerary with each first year class, time they take place, and room number."

Me-"Ok then."

Glynda-"When you enter Professor Port's class he will introduce you and have the class ask a question or two. Please cooperate."

Me-"If I must."

Glynda-"Thank you. With all that said I wish you goodluck and will see you in my class."

Her picture disappears and i'm left to fiddle with the device. A little bit of exploring and I find the itinerary Glynda was talking about. With this knowledge in hand I leave the room after noticing what I assume to be a watch. It amazes me how much they can fit into such a small device. Passing by the room on my left I hear a harsh whistling followed by a thud.

Ignoring the ruckus I continue onward. Passing the courtyard I see Sylvia eating happily.

Me-"It's nice to see your pet happy." I thought aloud as I entered the building. "I forgot how maze like this building was." I state tiredly as I remember how long it took for me to find the ballroom.

After a few minutes of searching I find the room designated as Port's class. It's far too early for class but I might as well introduce myself to him before he introduces me to the class. Knocking on the door, I enter and see a man wielding a duel sided axe.

 Knocking on the door, I enter and see a man wielding a duel sided axe

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(Professor Peter Port the man behind the stache)

Port-"Putting down the axe Ah, you must be Y/n my dear boy. Professor Ozpin has told me much about you."

Me-"I'm sure he has." I state with a roll of the eyes. "Professor I came in early to introduce myself."

Port-"Then by all means. I would like to know more about the youngest hunter in all of Vale, maybe even the world."

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