[CH18]The "Truth"

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Blake awakes in a cold sweat. She had a nightmare of the docks again. Looking to her friends she lingers on Ruby.

Blake-'I need to know.' She thought as she began to sit up. 'He was with them. He killed Sun. Why?!' The question screamed in her head as she began to stand.

Slowly, she walked out of the dorm. Outside and without her crutches she held to the walls and made her way to the roof of said dorms. Opening the door to the roof she is met with the sight of Y/n swinging some sort of mace around. And as if on instinct he spun in her direction and threw it at her. She dodged luckily.

Y/n-"Apologies." He spoke in his usual emotionless tone. "What brings you out here so early? The sun has yet to show itself." He spoke in a dull tone as is custom for him.

Blake-"I need answers and your going to tell me." She demanded.

Y/n-"Excuse you? Who are you to demand anything of me?" He questioned as he moved closer to retrieve his weapon.

Blake-"Shove it Y/n! Why were you helping the white fang? Why were you on the docks? Why... why did you kill Sun?!" She broke into tears as she remembered the details of that moment.

Y/n-"I don't know what you're talking about." He feigned ignorance. 'Here we go again.'

Blake-"Liar! I saw your eyes! Only you and Ruby have those eyes!" She shouted as she kicked him with her robotic leg. The sudden force enough to push him back.

Y/n paused as if he were caught before suddenly grabbing onto Blake and pulling off his mask. He looked into her eyes and with the most sincere look in his own he questioned her.

Y/n-"What was the person dressed like?! Was it armor? Did he have any scarring?! Please Belladonna, you need to tell me!" His voice was trembling as he questioned her. She could've sworn that she saw a tear or two develop.

Blake-"He wore armor. I don't know he had a helmet on. Why do you care so much?!" She asked in shock at his reaction. 'I wasn't expecting this!'

Y/n let go of Blake and put a hand over his face to wipe away the tears.

Y/n-"Gods damn it!" He shouted. "Points to Blakes leg Horace did that to you didn't he?!"

Blake-"Horace?" She questioned in confusion. This conversation was not going the way she thought it would in the slightest.

Y/n-"It's... it's a long story." Y/n rolls up his sleeve Blake gasps revealing his prosthetic arm. "He took my arm from me as well."

Blake-"Whispers It was Horace that destroyed your village..."

Y/n-"How do you know about my village?" He asked with a soft but deadly voice.

Blake-"Ozpin told me when I asked about you." She answered fearfully.

Y/n-"Head falls I... yes... it was Horace. He gained access to his semblance far too early." He turns before moving to the edge of the roof and sitting. "Motions for Blake to sit  Seeing as he has done to you what he has done to me it is only right to tell you my story."

Blake-"I, what, really?" She questioned as she sat beside the man.

Y/n-"It is only fair for the grief he has caused you. Pause followed by heavy sigh We grew up in a small village. I was adopted into the family. I don't know what happened to my last one. In fact my entire past before meeting Horace and them is a complete blur."

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