[CH20]The Night Continues

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

Blake Pov

My hand traces over scratch marks on a wall as I look past it to see two horned faunus being ushered into a warehouse by a bearded man. Pulling out a white wig I pull off my bow and inspect it. It had a place for my ears to slot through.

Me-'This is it.' I put on the wig Y/n had handed me before we left. 'How is this in my size?' I pause as I notice it fit my head perfectly. 'Now's not the time.' I shake off the thought and enter the building after giving a kind wave to the man. Inside the building was a hallway filled with cases lining it.

WF-"New recruits keep to the right." I overheard a member say to the pair ahead of me. I look down to the mask in my hand and think back to my time with Adam.

Me-'You're past that Blake...' I thought as I put it on and entered the warehouse proper along with the rest of the recruits. 'There's hundreds of members in here...' I thought as I looked around the room. 'They're even above me. What are they planning?' I look to the stage with a large curtain.

A man with a full mask and tattoos walked up to the stage and began to speak in front of said curtain.

WFL-"Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!" He spoke in a jovial tone.

That's when out came Roman. With a hop in his step he brought his cane down to gain everyones attention. The crowd of recruits began to mock and boo him.

Roman-"Mockingly waves Thank you, thank you!" As he speaks a small girl walks out from behind the curtain along with a fox girl wearing a unique mask to the rest of the Fang members. "Please, hold your applause."

WFR-"What's a human doing here?!" A deer faunus shouted from in front of me.

Roman-"I'm glad you asked deerie!" He spoke mockingly. "Now i'll be the first to admit... humans are the worst." He makes a mock salute. "Case in point. So I understand why you'd like to see us all locked away or better..."

WF?-"Thrown into the sea like a sack oh kittens." The fox girl finished morbidly.

Roman-"But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!" The crowd begins to agree with him. "Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life!" The crowd starts cheering. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room."

WF?-"Bah like offense fuckin matters at this point. Specially with this baby!"

Roman snaps his fingers and the curtain falls to reveal an Atlesian Paladin much to my horror.

Roman snaps his fingers and the curtain falls to reveal an Atlesian Paladin much to my horror

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